You're Gonna Break Him

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She would rise with the sun, with the death of her kind. Flames would blacken but her people would flourish.

Ember stared at her reflection in the mirror, runes shining as she stood in her bra and pant, a shirt hung from her hand.

"Death of whose? And who will rise? Is it about me?" She asked herself, running a finger over the runes of her neck. "Which people is it refering to?"

Why are these runes in old Nordic code?

The longer she stared at the runes, the frenzier her mind turned.

Who are my real parents? Did they dump us cause we were freaks?

"Why are we freaks?" She whispered, frowning.

"So you talk to yourself too? Charming."

Ember jumped, startled and turned to shoot a glare at Edith who smiled slightly. "Didn't mean to startle you."

"Yeah, it's fine..." Ember shrugged, rubbing her face as she let out an exhausted exhale. "Fault's mine. Who even changes clothes with door wide open?"

"You of course. Duh." Edith closed the door behind her and sat on the bed, staring at the runes on Ember's lean muscled body. "So, how did it go?"

Ember stiffened for a second before facing her. "What went how?"

Edith gave her a blank look. "With Loki. How did it go?"


"He told you? I-I," Ember frowned harder, tugging at her hair, "everyone knows about it?"

This time it was Edith's turn to frown. "Actually I'm the first one he told. Is everyone knowing about it a problem for you?"

Ember stopped, the frown vanishing. "No..." She shook her head, voice low. "No it's not."

"What's wrong Em? Something's troubling you." Edith asked, standing up to walk near her. "You're just the opposite Loki is right now, indifferent and stressed..."

Ember looked away, slinging her shirt over her tall frame. "It's nothing."

"It is something!" Edith grabbed her arm. "You're regretting it, aren't you?"

Ember blanched. "Wha-what? Regretting? Why?"

"You're regretting fucking him. It's all over your face!" Edith shook her arm. "Why did you do it?"

"You said to find a distraction! I did!" Ember freed her hand, stepping back. "And when I was moaning his name instead of Matt's, I-I was distracted!"

Edith sucked in a sharp breath. "Did you tell him that it was just a sex to you and nothing else?"

Ember remained silent, teeth clamped on her bottom lip.

"Did you?" Edith asked again, sternly.

She shook her head, shrugging. "Well, he has got that idea probably. He's smart enough. He probably knows that it was just a moment of-"

"Oh God no! He doesn't!" Edith snapped, suddenly furious. "Damn it Ember! He's on the ninth cloud, hovering with happiness! He loves you!"

Ember blinked slowly and scoffed, chuckling a bit. "That's ridiculous-"

"It's not! He is fucking ecstatic, was blabbering all about you like an excited child and-and here you are, regretting it! Saying it's ridiculous!?"

"He can't love me Edith!" Ember snapped back. "And I can't love him! You know that! I love only one and that's Matt!"

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