Lisa's bed

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It was getting close to the end of the fall semester, and Lisa really should be buckling down and concentrating on her schoolwork instead of going on a leadership retreat.

She really should spend the weekend getting caught up with the readings for her Environmental Law class, but the truth is told, Lisa loved retreats.

She loved traveling to different places, even if it was just to a small convention center a couple of hours away, and staying overnight and attending seminars and doing teambuilding sessions.

That was her jam. She was a people person, and leadership retreats were all about spending time and getting to know other people.

And since she was new to this Chi Theta Sigma chapter, it was also important that she participate in the major activities of the sorority. And a leadership retreat for all the CTS chapters in the Big 10 schools definitely counted as major.

Holding up two shirts on hangers, Lisa debated on which to take to the retreat.

"The white one. It's super cute on you." Jennie said behind her back. Like Lisa, she was standing by her bed packing her overnight bag.

"And they look really great with your light-wash skinny jeans."

"Jennie Kim." Lisa lowered the two shirts and teased, "How long have you been checking me out? If I didn't know any better I'd say that you've had a crush on me since day one."

Lisa definitely remembered the first day they met. Jennie looked at her like she was dirt at the bottom of her shoe.

She was so intimidated by her new roommate that she considered begging any one of the other sisters in the house to switch with her.

"Yeah, you wish." Jennie's voice lacked any real bite, and there was even a hint of a smile on her lips.


The Big Ten Chi Theta Sigma retreat was held in a convention center in Columbus, Ohio.

The attendees from the different chapters were staying in the nearby Marriot and Hyatt hotels from Friday evening to Sunday morning.

Jisoo was walking back to her hotel when she pulled out her phone from her purse. Before she left campus for the retreat, she had warned Rosé that she probably will be too busy to call her while she was in Columbus.

Rosé was understanding, giving her a kiss goodbye and a 'sly don't miss me too much.'

It bothered Jisoo slightly that she did miss the little snark machine. She had only been away for one night, but she wanted to talk with her girlfriend.

Ridiculous. She's had a few relationships before, but she was never the type to call on the phone after a few days apart because she missed them.

"Hi, chu. How's it going?" Rosé's voice answered on the third ring, music blaring in the background.

A warm feeling spread in Jisoo's chest when she heard Rosé's voice, even though it sounded like the girl was in the middle of something.

"Not much. Just got done with dinner and I'm heading back to my room."

"You have a hotel room by yourself? Are you going to pick up a sexy stranger from the hotel bar and bring them back to your room?" Rosé snickered.

Jisoo scowled. A bitchy retort was chambered on her tongue and ready to fire. Something along the lines of 'I'm sure I would have no problem finding someone to sleep with me' but she bit it back just in time.

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