'Oh boy'

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Jennie was staring at the open pages of her textbook but she wasn't seeing a thing. She had gone to study at the Business College library while waiting for her Speculative Markets class, but her thoughts kept drifting to a certain bronde sorority girl.

Truth be told, she couldn't think of anything else. There were moments of disbelief,

How did we end up having sex again?

After the first time on Halloween night, she had convinced herself that it was a fluke, it was a one-time thing. 

Lisa was drunk and she was weak. Lisa was just too damn tempting in that ridiculous costume and anyone with a pulse would have succumbed when the bronde crawled on top of them.


So she refused to deal with the implications of her actions. She shut down Lisa's attempts to talk about it, and she was sure the bronde hated it.

Good, she deserved it.

She buried the memories from that night deep into her subconscious. She compartmentalized the out-of-control attraction she felt for Lisa into a neat little box and locked it away.

Or at least she tried to.

Whom am I kidding?

Whenever Lisa was near her she would remember how their naked bodies felt pressed against each other. But she didn't mean for it to happen again.

What was it about Lisa that made her slip up like this?

The bronde was like a splinter in her brain, and the more she picked at it, the deeper it lodged.

Jennie screwed her eyes shut and rubbed the bridge of her nose with her fingers.

Okay. I can do this. No more. Not going to happen again.

For real this time.

Jennie opened her eyes. With a new sense of determination, she went back to preparing for her next class.

She reached into her bookbag for her laptop. After feeling inside the main compartment of her tote, her stomach dropped.

Her laptop wasn't in her bag. She must have forgotten it in her room!

With her heart in her throat, she called the only person who could help her.

Lisa answered after four rings. "Hello?"

"Lisa" Jennie breathed into the receiver of her iPhone.

"Where are you? Are you at the house?"


Lisa showed up at the Business Library with her laptop a little over half an hour later.

"You owe me big time." Lisa grinned as she rocked up to Jennie's table, holding up the MacBook Pro in her right hand.

"It's a good thing I was still at home when you called, I was about to go to yoga."

Jennie bit her lip as she watched the girl approach. 

Why did Lisa have to look so gorgeous all the time? It was a Monday morning in the middle of the semester and most of the other students on campus looked like death warmed over.

But Lisa's face beamed like a spring morning. Her smile was soft and inviting.

Her bronde hair was swept up into a messy bun with a few golden tendrils tickling her neck.

Sorority Sisters [JENLISA]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang