Toothpaste/Julien x Reader👍

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As you were walking down the streets of San Francisco, you heard a loud thump after passing the area it had occurred in. You turned around to see a Toothpaste on the floor looking around the street w/ a face of amusement. You thought about helping the guy and you did, you walked towards the Toothpaste and held out a hand which caught the guy's attention. "Hi.. you need help?" you spoke out, the Toothpaste looked up to your face and blushed a bit.

The white and blue toothpaste took your hand and you helped it get up. "Soo.. how's yourr.. day been?" You questioned trying to start a conversation. When you waited for his response, he was silent and seemed like they didn't know how to respond. You sighed "Are you from around here?" "No.." The toothpaste responded. For some reason, you were surprised w/ the response. You grew more curious about the object.

"Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?" When you asked that they looked shocked and they looked like they were thinking intensely about something. You tried to grab back their attention "Uh hello? You alright?" You said while waving your hand infront of his face. They looked up at you and apologized in french.

(I don't speak french am sorry and i dont trust Google translate as a source.. lmao)

"Well uh.. allow me to show you around this San Francisco block!" You said transitioning to a confused to a cheerful tone. You grabbed the toothpaste hand and searched for a place to introduce them to. They were surprised at this since it was unexpected. You realized you haven't catched his name "Oh right! So what's your name?" "J-Julien.." As this toothpaste named Julien replied. "That's a pretty name! Mine is Y/N!" You exclaimed.

You pretty much stopped by every shop and heard a stomach grumble. (I cant take that seriously help💀) "Oh,, you're hungry.?" You questioned. Julien nodded frantically. You had an idea about heading to a nearby restaurant and grabbed Julien by his hand, again, almost dragging him. "Come on! Lets go!" You yelled.

Julien POV (pretend this is in french pleaasee):

I couldn't help but smile at this, they're so nice and kind like that backpack who helped me get back on earth. This so called Y/N, I really appreciate their gratitude! But I have this weird feeling inside me ever since I met them. It's like.. we were meant to be! But.. I'm not sure if they'll feel the same..


You stopped by a restaurant and entered and looked behind you to check in on Julien. A waiter assigned 2 seats for you guys and told you guys they'll be back in a moment. "So.. what do you want? You can just point on the menu." You told them. He pointed at the salad and looked at you. "Youu want the salad??" You asked to make sure thats exactly what he wanted, he nodded. "Alright!"

Afterwards the waiter brought in your foods and you were telling Julien about weird news and about stories that happened to you and making jokes about them. Also while you were telling a story, you saw him chuckle and smile, that made your heart flutter and happy. You also insisted on paying since this guy is broke lmao imagine.

After eating in at the restaurant, you stopped by a nearby bridge w/ the flows of water underneath, planning to introduce it to Julien for the last stop. "This is our last stop so.. why not we enjoy this beautiful scenario! You say as you looked down at the water. You saw your reflection and then saw Julien's. "Y'know.. I actually enjoyed showing you around Julien! But uh.. what about you..?" You questioned, awaiting for his response.

He hesitated and responded "É..tonnant!" He replied w/ a thumbs up and a smile. You didn't understand what he just said but by the thumbs up and smile, you knew it was a good thing. You smiled back radiantly, you're pleasant that he enjoyed the time. "You're welcome!! But.. I have to get moving now.. its almost night and I need to catch up on work tomorrow." He nodded while smiling. "Wait! Do you even have a place to go in??" You asked ever since you realized. You saw him pausing and thinking about it and shook his head.

"Well uh.. do you wanna stay in my apartment for a while?" You asked, you hoped he didn't decline since he has nowhere to stay at. He nodded and you walked towards the direction of your apartment while Julien followed. "Merci.." You heard him say from behind "Is that.. a thank you orr..?" You questioned as you turned your head to look at him. He nodded and walked faster to go beside you and held your hand. You blushed and you noticed he was also blushing at what he just did.

(Ok I DID use google translate for some words.,)

Object shows x reader stories!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang