Yin-Yang x Reader C:

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You were sleeping peacefully at OJ's hotel, your head was rested on the soft cold pillow w/ a soft and warm blanket. Your sleep was disrupted by a door knocked two times, you didn't want to answer so you just remained in the same position you were in.

Then the knock became louder and the amount of times knocked increased by three times. You were beginning to feel irritated but still didn't respond hoping the object would just go away. Then it stopped for 8 seconds and.. you heard a loud noise at your door. You quickly sat up and faced where the door was, when you looked it was Yin-Yang.

"Uhh.. excuse me but why did you both just busted my door open.." You questioned the two conjoined symbol. "Yang did that! I was the one that knocked!" Yin says blaming it on Yang. "Oh shut up! You allowed me to do it!" Yang argued at Yin.

You sighed and whispered "Guys, keep it down! There are others trying to sleep!! But what do you guys need from me to the point you guys busted my door opened?." "We think there's an ugly monster outside and we thought you should see!" Yang answered and they were both nodding. You DID just wanted the two to go away so gou agreed.

As Yin-Yang was walking towards their room, you followed. They stopped 3 ft away from the window and they gestured you to come over. You looked out the window within the distance and searched for the monster, there was no sign of any monsters. "Guys? I dont see anything.." You say as you turned around.

Suddenly, you were tackled to the ground by surprise. Then you felt it cuddling you, what the freak?? "What the.." You looked at the culprit and you saw Yin-Yang. You didn't know what to do so you just stood there and accepted your fate but you were wondering why they were doing this. "Yin, Yang, what are you two doing??" You questioned.

"This was Yin's idea, so don't blame it on me!!" Yang was blushing a bit when they said that but you didn't saw. "You agreed to it, besides we just wanted to show you we both love you!" Yin stated, their tone was indicating that they were smiling. You noticed that you both were still on the ground so you wanted to just go to bed. "Uhh.. why are we still on the ground.. Its kinda awkward just cuddling on the floor. So why not in bed..??" You suggested, they both agreed and you guys moved to the bed.

Then you all just snuggled in bed, sleeping together.

Also, OJ saw the busted door to your room. And this guy was shocked, and he sighed and asked an engineer or something to repair it. You also had to pay for the destruction so don't think youre safe.

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