Every part, literally every single part of my soul filled up with emotions, all so raw and tender. All I could do was stare at him with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Ugh! I'm such an emotional bitch.

This man! What did I do to deserve him? How can someone like him love me so much? Is this a dream?

"Ouch!" He pretended to stumble back as if being hit. "Your dad punched me. He said I'm an asshole." He rubbed his imaginary injured jaw.

A chirpy laughter erupted from me which went ahead to him.

"I promise I'll keep her happy. See? She's happy now. I won't let that single dimpled smile fade away. Never!" He said looking up at the sky with all sincerity.

He was going to be the death of me.

"Oh! Come on, sir!" He threw his hands up. "Ask Chelsea, I was her favorite. You wouldn't dare cross your wife now, will you?" He smirked.

"Rafael! That's enough." I laughed, slapping his arm.

"And now he's saying Chelsea's favorite were the twins, not me." He made a mournful face.

"That's true." I shrugged.

"You wound me, señorita." He pouted like a kid.

"Okay, okay! Got it, mom!" I played along. "She said you were her first favorite. Now kiss me, you idiot."

A roguish smile crept up his face and he gently cupped my face unlike everytime, his soft lips connecting with mine as if conveying everything that words couldn't suffice.

"I love you." He brushed his nose against mine causing me to giggle.

"I love you too."

He turned around so that has back was facing me. "Hop on."

I jumped up on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Say b-bye to mommy and... your father."

"Of course I won't use the word daddy." I pinched his arm which didn't affect him at all. "You didn't even wait for an answer."

"I'm considering it a yes. I don't need anyone's permission to make you mine."

"You sound very confident, Mr Grayson. What if I said no?" I asked playfully as my piggyback ride to the garage continued.

"Naah! I'm too irresistible. You can't stay away from me." He sassed.

God! He knew it too. Did I make myself very obvious?

"Look Vittoria." He put me down near the entrance of the closed garage, his face holding a daintily seriousness. "It's completely your decision. Take your time and think about all other aspects as well. Whatever you decision is, I promise I'll respect it."

I couldn't form words to speak. So I simply nodded with a small smile.

He punched in a four digit code and the shutter rolled up revealing two ultra expensive and fancy looking vehicles. One was a red sports car and the other was...

"Holy fuck! I'm gonna ride this bad boy!"

I ran my hands over the Harley Davidson Street 750. It had been a while since I rode a motorcycle.

"You- you know how to ride a motorcycle?" He asked, surprised.

"Perks of growing up with a brother. Gimme the keys and the helmet." I grinned.

"The roads are very dangerous here. It's a mountain town." He shook his head.

"Rafael!" I stomped my foot.

Esztar Is FallingWhere stories live. Discover now