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They didn't find him in the hotel which got them worried.

"He is nowhere in the hotel. Where did he go?" Anisha asked worried now.

Rohit's phone buzzed.

"Virat has sent a video."

"Video? Just check what it is?" Mahi said.

The video started playing, Gaurav and his men beating Virat with sticks mercilessly.

"Ahhh" Virat winced in pain. They hit again. Blood oozing from his head.

"Viiiiiiii" Ro shouted and the phone fell from his hand as his hand shivered.

Anisha was no better. She started stepping back, gasping for breath. She fell down with a thud. Mahi and Ro turned to see her fainted. Ro was in shock to register anything, Mahi quickly ran towards her and patted her cheeks.

"Ani? Ani? Get up bacha." Mahi tried.
He picked her up and made her lie down on the bed, immediately called a doctor.
He carassed her head lovingly.

Doctor came and examined her.

"I have given the injection, she should wake up in an hour. But make sure she stays away from stress and tension, this could be harmful for her." Doctor said

"Yes doctor."

"And take the medicine on time, she would heal better."

"Yes doctor!" Mahi said

Mahi bent slightly and kissed her forehead.

"Get up baby, we will find him. You have to be strong for your big bro. He needs you. You have to get better, for me for Cheeku." He said taking her hand in his. He shed a few tears.

He got up and went towards Ro who was crying badly.

"Ro, kiddo!" He looked up with tear stricken face.

"Bhaiii.... Bhai he would be fine na?" Ro asked

"Yes kiddo. He will be. He is strong. We have to be strong for him. He can't see us like this naa."

" Yes Bhai," Ro said. He hugged Mahi tightly. Mahi rubbed his back to calm him down.

After an hour Anisha woke up.

"Are you okay bacha?" Mahi asked with all concern.

"Yes Mahi!" She suddenly got up and started looking here and there. "Bhai? Bhai?" She yelled.

"Ani kiddo calm down!"

"Where is Bhai?"

"He isn't here kiddo. We will find him don't worry." He said hugging her. He pulled Ro in the hug too.

"Everything is gonna be alright! Don't worry. We will find him."

Virat's POV.

In a dark godown, with very dim light, there was Virat tied to chair, bleeding and all tired. He still didn't give up.
Gaurav came there smirking.

"How do you feel Virat lying here helpless?" Teased Gaurav.

"You won't be able to do anything! You soon will be no one." Virat said

"Hahahahaha that is your dream Virat! I will finish you and your sister." Gaurav said

"You won't do any such thing Gaurav."

"I will Virat."

He marched towards Virat and hit him hard with a stick. Virat vomitted blood. Gaurav kept hitting him. Due to which he was loosing his consciousness. Gaurav left from there, leaving Virat in a half conscious state, wincing in pain.

He was bleeding so much, he thought he would die. He smiled and was little happy thinking his baby sister Anisha is with Mahi so she is safe, and no one can harm her. He fell unconscious thinking this.

Mahi called the police. As they arrived he explained the whole situation to them.

"Don't worry sir, we will find him." Police said.
Senior inspector instructed his colleagues. They started their jobs to find him, going through all the clues that would lead them to Virat.

Mahi ordered food for them.

"I am not in the mood to eat Mahi." Anisha said.

"Bacha, eat a bit. You have to take your medicines also naa?"

"I am not hungry."

"Eat baby. You have to be strong for Vi na? He can't see you like this weak, not eating food na?"

Anisha nodded. Mahi fed her and Ro and gave Anisha her meds.

Police checked the terrace for any clues.

"We need to see the CCTV footage." Officer said

"Sure sir!" Manager said and guided them to the CCTV room.

Police checked the footage carefully and van entering near the backgate and Gaurav getting down. Then they checked other footages and saw Gaurav taking Virat with the help of his men.

Meanwhile Mahi made Anisha sleep as she needed rest, she slept hugging Mahi. Mahi kept consoling Ro.

At the same time the police officer came to inform them about the updates.

"We have found a lead. We are tracking down the van in which Virat was taken. It has been captured in the camera. We will let you know once we find more."

"Sure sir thank you appreciate it." Mahi thanked him.

His grip on Anisha and Ro tightened. He was very scared imagining the condition Virat might be in.

In the evening Anisha woke up and got disappointed not seeing Vi there, and realised it was a dream and he didn't come in real. Mahi

Just then the inspector came with an update.

"Sir, we have tracked the van. It's near XYZ godown. We will go and check."

"I would also come."

" No sir you please stay here, it might be dangerous there."

"No sir, I would come."

"But sir... "

" Sir please."

"Okay you can come."

"Even I wanna come!"

"No baby, you stay here, and Ro you also stay with her." He said as he saw Ro was about to do the same.

"Yes bhaiiii"

They left to the location.
They were tracking down the van, it was near a old godown outside the city. They saw the van parked there.
First they checked for entrances. Every entrances were guarded by his men. They strategised and divided themselves.
After getting past those men after making them unconscious, they searched for Virat in the godown. Gaurav had already fled. They reached a room like place where Virat was kept.
Mahi opened that room, and saw Virat laying there, bleeding and unconscious.

Updated guyssssss. Hope you liked it!!!!!!!!!

Really sorry for the late updates 🥺 Just stuck in college assignments.


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