"I mean, biting a human I can understand," Robin said as he ate his sandwich. "A poor innocent animal is, what's up with you?"

"Mom and Dad are having a baby," Vlad gloomed.

"A baby?" Alice lit up. "Oh, congratulations!"

"It's nothing to be happy about," Vlad shot down. 

"Magda?" Robin asked. "That's great news, isn't it?"

"What bringing another vampire into the world?" Vlad asked. "Another merciless blood-sucking monster."

"Or he could be a bit of a boring one, like you," Robin suggested.

"Thanks," Vlad huffed. "I knew you'd cheer me up." They then went into the school. Flyers went around the school of Ingrid being terminally sick; when in reality she just wanted presents.


After school, Alice was doing homework at the table as Robin told Mum and Dad about Magda being back and her pregnancy.

"Well, we'll just have to go over," Dad said. "And congratulate themselves."

"I should still have some new mother books," Mum smiled. "I've been saving them." 

Alice and Robin glanced at each other.

"Paul," Alice said.

"Ian," Robin said.


Dad, Mum, Robin, and Alice went up to the castle; Renfield let them in. 

"Hello," Dad greeted. 

"Hello, and congratulations," Mum greeted. "Robin told us your news."

"Hi, Magda," Dad and Robin greeted. 

"I've brought you some books on breastfeeding and baby's first year," Mum informed. "Shall we have a read?" Mum started to walk over. "Come Alice." On the couch sat Mum, Alice, Robin, and Magda. About a half hour later, Alice went upstairs with Robin to find Vlad in his room.

"Vlad?" Robin greeted as he opened the door, Alice immediately noticed the coffin. 

"Oh, so you've finally stopped drooling over my mum, have you?" Vlad asked. 

"I needed a breath from the baby talk," Alice informed as she sat next to Vlad. "It can be overwhelming." Vlad looked at Robin.

"Oh no, I'll be going back down in a minute," Robin answered, Vlad looked away in annoyance; Robin walked in. "That is unless you wanted to talk."

"Is it about the baby?" Alice asked.

"I just don't know what everyone's so excited about," Vlad admitted. 

"Look, I was jealous when Chloe was born, but it's just---" Robin began as he sat down.

"I'm not jealous," Vlad corrected. "I'm just worried about my dad."

"What?" Robin asked as Alice laid back. "Your dad, the evil bloodsucker?"

"Sucker, definitely when it comes to my mom," Vlad gloomed even more. 

They looked up at the sound of footsteps, Count was at the door.

"Ah, Vlad, my boy," Count greeted. "I just want to apologize for snapping. It was rude, unthinking, and completely selfish, and, uh--" He began to press down on the floorboard. "I say, what a lovely room for a nursery. You won't mind moving out, will you?"

"Uh, yes," Vlad answered.

"Tough necks," Count grunted. "It's decided."

Renfield came in with baby items. "Master." He threw them on the floor. 

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