You're my little sister, Chloe

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"I am sorry for disturbing you like this last night. I didn't really know who to call. I know Amber would be with me once I called her but she knows me more than I know myself and I can't really hide anything from her. So I called you, I hope you didn't mind." 

It was already morning and time to go office. We were ready to go and I was just explaining to him why I asked him to come over last night. I know it was kinda selfish if I look at the situation from his point of view but I needed it. We were t take separate cars to further fuel the rumors still spreading in the office. 

"It is okay Ms. Chloe. I understand why you called me. Now I think we should leave or we'll both be late for work." He says and gets inside his car while I find my own. 

I drove myself to my office building without thinking too much about whatever happened. But little did I know, there was a surprise waiting for me there. 

I was welcomed by my very own father when I reached my office building and I swear he was the last person I wanted to see right now. Seeing him always brought me bad memories and right now, it wasn't really a good time to remember those. 

"Ermanno, could please escort this old man out?" I walk straight into my office leaving him for Ermanno to handle. 

A few minutes into me drinking my coffee, Ermanno comes in saying that the "old man" isn't leaving and insists on meeting me. 

"Ugh fine. Once. If I don't come out in five minutes, you will walk in and say I have a meeting, yeah? And if you don't, I will definitely murder you. Get that?" 

He nods and leaves the room to call my father in. He knocks on my door before coming in. There he comes with the same old sad smile, filled with guilt. 

"You wanted to see me? Why? I think I have made pretty clear that I want to have nothing to do with you." 

"Just hear me out, will you?" I look out through the window in annoyance as he takes a seat and continues talking. "Chloe, the saving fund your mother left for you, I want to give it back to you. I have added some of the money I saved and so it makes a pretty decent amount that can last for some time. Please don't refuse me this time. It belongs to you." 

"There you go again. Why do you want me to have that stupid money, huh? First, you couldn't save me and now, you're offering me some amount of money as compensation? Your wife couldn't be a good mother and left me money which she earned? For fuck's sake, I don't want that shit money. So you can do whatever you wanna do with it.

Go and gamble again. I am sure you will receive a greater amount in return. But please, take it as a request, never come to me again bringing up this stupid topic. I listened to you this time without interrupting, I won't do the same again. And now if you'll excuse me, I am busy right now. Mornings are the busiest, no one told you this?

And next time you come, please book an appointment with my assistant. I would see if I am able to meet you or not. Don't come straight to my office again. Because you know what, I am sick of you, sick of being that perfect daughter I never was, sick of acting like everything is perfect between us and I absolutely love you which we both know isn't true.

So now let's stop pretending. We both should go our different ways, it's not like we ever loved each other. You always loved money, put it first so now go again, love that money your wife left." It finally felt good once I let it all out. 

"Miss Chloe, you have a meeting in five." Ermanno said, peeking through the door after knocking once. 

"You see, I am busy. Can we please stop this now? I think you can leave now." I get up with my coffee mug in my hand as I keep the door open for him to leave first. 

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