Chapter 28 - Chief Meeting

Start from the beginning

The meeting continued with the chief sharing information on what they knew about the ferals. Half way through the meeting, one of the chiefs addressed Cal.
"By the way, I heard that an important guest will be coming."

That moment, a young man with black hair and sharp golden eyes entered the meeting. The moment Kalazk saw Rui, he realized that Rui was the one who chased the feral from before.

Cal, who was the host of the meeting, stepped forward. "Greetings warrior."
Rui politely apologized for his late attendance.
"Everyone, this is Sir Rui from the imperial city. "
"The important guest that you mention?" One of the chiefs asked.
"He is here to handle the ferals case."
One by one, the chiefs at the meeting introduced themselves to Rui. Kalazk made no exception. Rui explained his experience and knowledge of the ferals since he had fought them. The meeting discussed counter measures, ways to strengthen their defense and improve their attack.
While discussing, Rui asked about a necessary requirement for him and his army. "I also have a request. We will need a shelter for my army to stay. I am afraid that this case will not end shortly, so we will have to stay as long as the ferals are not defeated. Even if it is winter."

Silence filled the atmosphere.
It was going to be winter soon. This winter was predicted to be harsher than before. Winter was the season when it was the most difficult to find food. One more beast man meant one more competitor to share the prey within their area.
Besides we were talking about a whole army.
There's a large possibility the tribe would starve to death first.

"Since my tribe is too small, I am afraid we might not have enough space for your army to settle."

"My tribe mostly consists of meat eaters, and heavily relies on prey nearby as our food resources. Every year, we struggle to hunt and there are even males who fight each other for the prey. If there are many beastmen, I am afraid both my tribe members and the army won't have enough food and suffer starvation."

"My tribe does not have a good prey environment in the first place and suffers starvation every year. I am sorry but our tribe really cannot shelter this amount of beastmen."

"I can at most shelter half of the army, but cannot afford to shelter all of them as it is going to be winter."

One by one, the chiefs voiced their reasons to deny this request. While the others were denying, Kalazk thought. "A whole army, hmm,even if it is a tribe with better prey environment, it will be hard to support the whole army. But thanks to Aron, our tribe does not have to worry about food for the winter anymore. Wait a minute, if so wouldn't it be better for our tribe to shelter them? Since our tribe is very far from the other tribe, backup will takes some time to arrive. Besides, although the tribe is large, there aren't many population and we might not be able to defend if the ferals attack the tribe."

Although Rui did not say it, Kalazk heard his follower call him prince back then. "He must want to hide his identity. Such a big shot has come to the western land." Kalazk thought.

It was always good to carry favor with an imperial prince such as him. After that thought, Kalazk volunteered to let the army shelter in his tribe.
" Excuse me, how about considering to stay at my tribe? I am glad to take the army who will help us fight against the ferals," Kalazk suggested.

Besides my tribe is large and does not have a lot of population."
Many chiefs rejected Rui's request, but there were two other tribes who agreed to shelter the army. One of them was Cal's tribe.

The two other tribes agreed because they would be save from the ferals if Rui and his army were to stay. Plus they didn't want to offend people from imperial city. Rui did not directly agreed to their offer. He got to check which place suited his army best. But he was glad there were still tribes who agreed. After the agreement to visit the three tribe that offered his army a place to shelter, the meeting ended.

While Achara was at her stall to sell food and medicine, Kalazk came to her. "Oh chief, you are back from the meeting?" she was delighted.
"I've come here to talk to you about something," Kalazk answered,"Aron, two days from now on, an important guest and his subordinates from the imperial city will visit our tribe. They are here to handle the ferals case. I want to ask you to prepare lunch for them." Kalazk told her.

It was well known fact that she was the best cook in this tribe. "Aron, these guest are very important. We must service them with our utmost care and make them stay so they don't choose other tribes. It is related to our tribe's safety." Kalazk wanted Rui and his army to stay in Ace tribe for shelter.
Kalazk touched Achara shoulder.
"Aron the safety of the tribe depends on you."
Although she did not exactly know why these guest should stay, she was more than happy to help. It was after all, concerned with the safety of this tribe."Rest assured, I will make delicious food for them, so that they cannot help but want to stay here."

Updated on 8th October 2022 (Sat)

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