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The ringing of Elle's cell phone jolted them both from sleep the next morning. While Joe turned away groaning, Elle sat up and yawned loudly before reaching for her cell phone.

"Hey, what's up?" she answered the call. "Oh, hey Leila. No, don't worry we were already awake" she lied, making approving noises as she stifled another yawn.

"ohh really? That's amazing" again she listened. "Yeah, that was on my radar. Ok, see you later....Yeah, see you there, bye" she hung up, put the phone back on the nightstand and lay back in bed sighing.

She moved over to Joe and wrapped her arms around his torso from behind while giving him a kiss between the shoulder blades. "Good morning" she murmured before giving him another kiss on the back.

Joe just mumbled a few gibberish words. Grinning, Elle knocked the covers off her body and swung her legs out of bed. Outraged, Joe turned to her. "You're leaving me that fast?"

Elle laughed as she wiped her underwear off the floor and put them on before picking up the rest of the clothes lying around and putting them away as well. "I thought I'd let you sleep a little longer" she shrugged.

"I'd rather feel those..." he pointed at Elle's boobs. "...naked against my back in the morning than continue sleeping" he grumbled. Elle smirked. "Next time" she assured him before leaning down and giving him a kiss.

"You can count on it" Joe gave a pouty snort as Elle grabbed a pair of sweatpants and one of Joe's tshirts from the closet and pulled them on.

"What did Leila want with you so early on a Sunday?" Joe asked as Elle went into the bathroom to do her hair.

"oh, Julia decided to jump in and make the future is female an organization" Elle explained beaming. "Really now?" Joe asked delighted. "Yes, we will be able to help so many women" she sighed dreamily as she came out of the bathroom and plopped down on the edge of the bed next to Joe.

"I'm so happy for you" Joe wrapped his arms around Elle and pulled her against his chest before spreading countless kisses on her face. Elle just giggled, "thank you. I'm happy too"

"Is that why you're seeing Leila later?" Joe asked further. Elle shook her head. "I have the filming appointment today at noon for the work out part that will be on Celine's show of me. Today is filming at the Gym, tomorrow at the Facility and the day after tomorrow I'll be her guest at the studio"

"That's great. Just remember not to overwork yourself. We don't want you to have another panic attack" Joe gave her a warning look. "Don't worry" she pressed a kiss to his lips. "Leila take care of me"

She stood up and walked to the door. "Are you coming down soon too?" she asked as she stopped in the doorway. Joe nodded. "Ok, see you in a bit" she smiled at him before leaving the room.

The smell of food immediately hit her as she reached the stairs. "Good morning" she had just reached the bottom when Robin's voice sounded from the kitchen.

"Good morning, Robin" Elle greeted Joe's mother and was immediately pulled into a tight hug by her. "How are you honey? How's the campaign going?" she beamed at Elle.

"Everything is just fine. Going very well. We're making great progress" Elle stated.

"That's what I like to hear. Are you hungry? I made breakfast. There's pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and fruit salad. Do you want coffee? I can make you some" Elle's stomach started to growl and her mouth watered when she saw all the food gathering on the table.

"Robin, you are unbelievable. Who's going to eat all that?" Elle asked, laughing. "Well, I'm sure our men are very hungry and Ja'Marr will come over soon" Robin explained.

"Of course he does" Elle muttered grinning. "What about Joey? Is he awake yet?" Robin asked as she handed Elle a cup of coffee she hadn't actually asked for. Robin could read minds, apparently.

"He said he'd be right down" Elle shrugged as two arms wrapped around her from behind. "If you're talking about me, I'm already here" Joe pressed a kiss to her hair.

"Good morning mom, did you bring out the five course breakfast menu again?" Joe hugged his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Of course! While I'm here, I want to treat my Elle and three of my favorite boys after all!" she beamed at them both before grabbing plates from the cupboard and carrying them to the table.

"Three?" Joe asked, confused. "Ja'Marr comes over" Elle explained to him with a grin. Joe laughed out loud. "Of course he does" he shook his head laughing.

After the extensive long breakfast, which turned into more of a brunch by the time, Elle had to say goodbye to the group. She hugged Joe's parents tightly and thanked Robin again for all the food before grabbing her bag and leaving the house.

She met up with Leila in front of the gym building, where a couple of the station's vans were already parked. A lot of cameras, microphones and lights were dragged up the stairs by rushed assistants while Leila and Elle went to find Celine.

They found her by one of the producers and Celine immediately pulled Elle into a squealing, tight hug before explaining to the two of them how today would go. Elle was to go get changed now before it was off to makeup and they would then do some lighting and camera checks before it was on to the real filming.

"I thought you were going to wear one of your short sports bras to the shoot that you usually always wear?" Celine asked confusedly as Elle stepped out of the single booth into the group booth, eyeing Elle's long sleeved crop shirt in a lavender shade that she was wearing her matching sports leggings with.

Elle shrugged. "I thought maybe it was getting too cold" Celine and Leila gave her questionable looks. "First, you really think you're going to freeze under all those lights? Second, I doubt the outfit will really keep you warmer" Celine raised an eyebrow questioningly. "So, why the outfit?"

Elle lowered her head with a sigh before pulling the neckline of her top over her shoulder, revealing several blue-green marks on her skin. "I didn't exactly want to show that on TV" she admitted.

Leila and Celine stared at Elle's shoulder, startled. "Elle, was that Joe?" Leila asked, confused. Elle just nodded. "Elle, did he...? Did he hurt you?" Celine asked softly.

"What?" Elle's head immediately shot up. "Oh god, no. No, oh my god. Of course not. Joe would never do that" she shook her head wildly.

"then what happened?" Leila asked, confused. "Well, the Bengals won yesterday and Joe and I had our first fight before that, so...so we had a pretty hot night last night" Elle lowered her eyes and noticed the blush come to her face.

Leila stared at her with her mouth open while Celine's eyes widened. "Oh my god, those aren't bruises, those are hickeys" Celine squealed loudly. "Oh my fucking god, we're going to get you into makeup now, but after the shoot I want the details".

Overjoyed, Celine pulled her best friend into a hug that felt like Elle had just told her she had discovered the eighth wonder of the world.

cant believe we hit the 100th chapter, appreciate everything you guys did to reach that number! Thanks for all the reads, likes and comments. Thanks for supporting me, asking if im ok when i didnt post for some time. Thanks for everything. More chapters to come even if the story will end soon!!

Have an amazing day!!


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