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"He became more aggressive and violent with each passing week, but I could always hide the aftermath, the injuries I sustained from his attacks, or find some excuse for it, because the last thing I wanted was for anyone to find out what really happened" she sounded more composed as she stared fixedly at the blank wall, nervously twirling her ring.

"But...the third time he had overdone it. The other times he always went for my body, kicked me in the stomach or punched my chest, but...it was different this time. He...he completely lost control, punched me in the face several times and...and when that wasn't enough for him...he...." Elle's voice broke into sobs and out of breath she gasped for air.

Joe only pulled her tighter into his arms as she clung to his upper arm, stifling her sobs against his chest.

"...He was choking me. Both hands, squeezing harder and harder around my neck until I...until all I saw was black. The...next thing I knew, I was waking up in the ambulance."

"he called the ambulance?" Joe asked, surprised. Elle nodded. "he had let go of me when I lost consciousness and apparently my body slumped, hitting my head full force on the side table and I hit my head. That's when panic apparently did set in and he called 911"

"And...and what did he tell them?" Joe asked in wonder. Elle laughed wryly. "He didn't tell them that it was he who beat me up, of course, but that I had fallen and flown down the stairs. When the ambulance arrived, he had already been waiting outside with my unconscious body."

"But when I was fully recovered in the hospital, the head wound was fortunately not too big and I had gotten away pretty well with a concussion, the doctor in charge had long since informed my parents that there was suspicion that my boyfriend had beaten me up, because by now there was a purple hand-shaped bruise shimmering around my neck" she sounded more composed, but was already staring at the wall again. It almost looked like she was a robot giving a pre-programmed text.

"Since my parents couldn't come so quickly, they had called Celine, who, along with Javier, had immediately gone to see me at the hospital. Meanwhile, my ex...he had yelled at half the hospital because they wouldn't...because they wouldn't let him see me anymore" Elle took a deep breath.

"Celine was totally shocked when she saw me. tears had come to her eyes, she just pulled me in her arms and explained to me that there were two police officers waiting outside the door wanting a statement from me about how this had all happened, if...if he had really beaten me up. I tried to fight back, still defending him. Celine tried to calm me down, to reassure me that I could be honest and that he didn't want to hurt me anymore, but I kept denying everything...I...I totally freaked out and then...then it happened..." she swallowed audibly.

"I...I had my first panic attack. I...I thought I was going to die. My whole body was shaking, I had no control, couldn't breathe. I didn't get anything that was happening around me. I really thought it was over" by now she was almost whispering and Joe had to concentrate hard to understand her.

"They had given me sedatives and when I woke up, my parents were standing in the room. My mom was all teary-eyed, my dad was just standing by the bed in despair, whispering over and over why they hadn't noticed anything. I was so sorry to cause my parents such worry that...it just burst out of me. I...I told them everything. Every attack, everything he had done to me over the past few months. My mom and I were in each other's arms crying while my dad went to get the cops and I gave my statement."

"What happened to him? Was he convicted?" Joe asked. Elle shook her head. "He couldn't be proven to have done it, and his dad was a pretty well known lawyer with good contacts in the DA's office, so there were never any real charges filed. He...he did get kicked off the football team, though, and after two months his dad pulled him out of college because his reputation was pretty damaged by it all" Elle explained.

"Wow, so he got away with everything just because his dad was a lawyer?" Joe asked, shocked. Elle nodded. "The worst part of the whole thing, though, was that for two months I had to worry that he was lying in wait for me somewhere....so some football players had taken it upon themselves to play my bodyguards. They made sure I was never alone at any time, picked me up from lectures and took me to the next, and didn't leave my side until I arrived home."

"Where did you live? You certainly didn't stay in the apartment, did you?" Elle shook her head. "with the help of my brothers and parents, we moved everything that belonged to me out of the apartment when we were sure my ex wasn't around right then. The first week I lived with Celine and Javier, but first, their sofa was not a solution for the long term, and secondly, it was too dangerous, because I was always afraid that one day he would be at the door. After all, he knew where the two of them lived"

"So you moved here?" "Not right away. Apartment hunting was difficult at the time and my parents didn't want me to be alone, so I moved in with the Cosgrays for two months" "you lived with Nick?" Joe asked, surprised.

Elle nodded. "Nick knew me since I was little and when my dad called him and told him about my...situation, he didn't hesitate for a second and took me in. It was perfect. My ex had never met Nick, so didn't know where he lived, and it took a lot of worry off my mom to know that there was someone there to look out for me. Nick and Lisa took care of me like I was their own child" Elle explained and a slight smile was on her lips.

"After all, when I moved into the apartment, my mother's worries started again. She was afraid that by being alone I would fall into a hole and develop an eating disorder, a drinking problem or something like that. However, not wanting the Cosgrays to feel obligated to continue taking care of me, Dad got Zac involved. He was head coach with the Bengals for just a few months then, but he didn't hesitate for a moment either" Elle sighed.

"So the Taylors and Cosgrays were both supervising me. Lisa drove me to my therapy session every week, in return Sarah made sure I ate enough, invited me over for dinner twice a week and always gave me food for the rest of the days. Zac made sure I didn't overwork myself and Nick called me almost every day to make sure I was okay. Without the two families, my own family and Celine, I probably wouldn't be doing as well in life today as I am" Elle admitted.

"I'm glad there were people like that in your life, Elle. No one should have what happened to you happen to them and no one should get away with an act like that" Joe sighed.

"I know. I too struggled with it for a long time and I still struggle with it, but I know that one day he will get his just deserts for all that he did to me" she snuggled closer to Joe.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me" Joe whispered to her. "Thank you for still being here even though I'm not making it easy for you" Elle whispered back softly. "You won't get rid of me anytime soon Elle. I promise you that" Joe gave her a kiss on the temple. "I hope so" Elle replied smiling.

Thank you so much for getting me on #1 of the football ranking!!! That's so unbelievable!!

Thank you so much for getting me on #1 of the football ranking!!! That's so unbelievable!!

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This was the last one of the chapters about Elle's past relationship. How do you think it will continue?


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