Chapter 59. There and back again

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~TA 3021 29 of September~

After sailing for what feels like a few hours but in reality more like a few days we finally arrive at the shore. I am still shocked to see Duncan on my shoulder and I try to understand what Gandalf's words mean. Who is waiting for us? Could it be the people I think?

Finally after what feels like eternity we finally arrive at the shore. The elves exit the boat and the rest of us follow after admiring the view. "It's so beautiful" I say looking at the green hills in front of us. "Yes, very beautiful" Thorin says. I look at him and he is still staring at me. "Thorin, stop staring at me" I say feeling myself blush again. "I can't help it" Thorin says making the company, including Sigrid, Legolas, Tauriel, Gimli, the children and the hobbits laugh. I call them all the company.

After they stopped laughing at me we start walking up the hill. "Promise me that you won't start running" Thorin says looking at me like I would start running at any moment. "I promise" I say even when I actually want to run around the soft grass. "Amdad, this is beautiful, a bit like the Shire" Thurid says as she and Tori come to walk next to us.

The next time I look to the top of the hill I see three figures standing there. "Thorin, look. Tell me that I am not seeing things" I say as tears gather in my eyes. As we walk closer I finally believe that I am not seeing things, it is actually Balin, Oin and Ori. When I realize they are there I start running toward them.

I throw my hands around Ori and cry into his shoulder saying "I missed you so much, so much". Ori hugs me back and says "I missed you too, but I am alright, it didn't have time to hurt". We are soon joined by the rest of the old company. Dori and Nori join our hug, Gloin is hugging Oin and Thorin and Dwalin are hugging Balin. After everyone hugged and cried a bit we stand there together just enjoying the feeling of being together.

We shortly explain what happened after they left to Moria, all three of them say how much all the children included Gimli have grown. Bilbo is still crying after seeing Balin again, they always had a special friendship. I explain to Ori a few other things that happened in the mountain, he wanted to know a few things mostly about the library.

"There are a few people who have waited the day they can meet you again" Balin says. At that moment I see five familiar people and four unfamiliar people. The familiar people are Dis, she died before Bilbo's birthday, Gloin's wife, she died six years ago, Bombur's wife, she died last year, and lastly my father and mother, Bungo and Belladonna Baggins. "Mother, Father?" Bilbo and I say not believing our eyes.

"Brother, father, grandfather" Thorin says with a thick voice. Frerin looks much like Thorin, they have the same eyes and hair, his face is a bit slimier and nose bigger. "Father?" Fili and Kili ask as they look at the last dwarf. He nods and the brother run to him and tackle him in a hug. So this is their father, Vili, he has the same blond hair as Fili and the same smile as the brothers.

"Go" I say pushing Thorin towards his family. Slowly he steps towards them still not believing that this is real. When I am sure he is going to meet them I turn to my own family. "I missed you, mom, dad" I say before I pull them and Bilbo into a group hug. "We missed you too, our dear children" mother says as she strokes our hair.

"We should go there under the trees, so we can talk more, everyone, the Bagginses, elves, Sigrid and our kin" Balin says. He leads the way and the thirty one of us follow him, Duncan is flying over us and Gandalf went with Elrond somewhere. "We have so many questions" Tharin says, Thorin walks next to him. Poor Thorin, he is still trying to progress everything. "Amdad, we are going to watch around a bit" Thurid says as the children with Gimli and Legolas walk away.

"What are we doing with dwarves and what have they to do with you two" Mother asks. "Wait and see, we can answer all the questions soon" I say smiling at my parents. Under the trees I see one more figure, she look much like Dis. "Mother" Thorin says looking at her even more surprised than before. "Hello, Thorin" she smiles before hugging him, Thorin told me that his mother died when he was very young.

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