Chapter 58. Grey Havens

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~TA 3021 27 - 29 of September~

A few weeks ago we got a letter from Elrond and Gandalf. The letter said "Y/N Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, we invite you, Thurid, Tori, Lia, Sigrid, Fili, Kili, Frerin, Tauriel, Gloin, Gimli, Bombur, Bofur, Bifur, Dori, Nori and Dwalin to sail with us to the undying lands from the grey havens. The time of the elves is over and we thought long and all of you deserve a place but it's all up to you. If you agree, meet us at the Grey Havens".

We talked for days about this opportunity and if we should take it. We finally agreed that we are all going away from Middle Earth to the undying lands. The company and I know that our time is soon over, and the time of humans is starting. Tauriel and Sigrid will follow us because they don't have anyone else here. Our children want to come too, they said that they will follow us, they want to go on an adventure. And Gimli will follow us with Legolas.

Who would have thought that Gimli and Legolas will become best friends, all it took was an evil ring. I can't wait to tell Gimli about the goblin mutant thing when I have the right opportunity. My children are now 60, Thurid, 55, Tori, they are adults now. I can't believe how fast time flies by. My hair is fully grey just like Thorin's, I am 111 years old and Thorin is 275 years old, but our age never affected our personalities or love.

Currently we are driving in a chariot, Gimli, Legolas, Frerin, Thurid, Tori and Lia are riding next to the chariot. We started the journey a week ago, we got a bit help from the eagles. We should be soon there. I heard that Bilbo, Gandalf and Elrond are sailing too with some other elves. It was a hard decision to leave Middle Earth but the more I think about it the more I believe it was the right.

"Amdad, we are here" Tori says as the chariot stops. The younger ones help the rest of us out. Thurid and Tori help me and Thorin to walk towards the elves, hobbits and Gandalf. "It's good to see you again" Elrond says looking at all of us. Gimli and Legolas greet the four hobbits, Frodo, Pippin, Merry and a blond hobbit, I don't remember his name.

"Bilbo" I say walking with Thurid over to him. "Y/N, it's nice to see you here with me" Bilbo says as we hug each other. The others go into the boat with the two elves, I think one of them is called Galadriel. "I think I am quiet ready for an another adventure" Bilbo and I say at the same time. Bilbo, Thorin and I walk together toward the boat and Elrond.

We wait for Gandalf and Frodo, they are saying goodbyes to the other hobbits. The three hobbits are crying, I guess Frodo didn't tell them that he is going with us. After the goodbyes he and Gandalf step on the boat. "Is everyone ready" Elrond asks, All agree that we are ready to begin this new adventure.

"Bilbo, we are actually going on an adventure again" I say exited making Thorin chuckle. "I know, Y/n. I missed this feeling and now I can finally have the next adventure" Bilbo says nearly as exited as I am. Thurid, Tori and Frodo are standing with us. This is my last adventure but this time I have a big family to go trough with it.

"I must warn you, by the elves there are tales that the creators of Middle Earth speak with those who sail to the undying lands but we don't know is this happens to other races" Elrond says making us all a bit unsure and scared about what is coming. Feeling scared is not the same feeling scared as when I met Smaug but more like when someone tell you a horror story and you know that you are still safe.

"Do you regret this, Thorin" I ask. "No, I don't think we will fit here anymore. I would follow you everywhere if it meant that we will be together with you for forever. I couldn't imagine a world without you, so this is the best way" Thorin says, holding my waits. I stand there his arm around my waist watching the big sea, I am still hesitant to be around big water but when Thorin is around I don't feel it as badly.

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