Chapter 14

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    Gojo started to tell Rin the basics of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer, he said that when they arrived at the Jujutsu school, Gojo was going to help Rin with awakening his cursed energy. Rin nodded. As Gojo kept explaining to him, with the help of Itadori, Rin made mental notes.

    Maybe unlike last time, Rin was actually going to study hard, train, and do well in this school. And maybe make his dad, Shiro proud...


    After many hours of travel, they soon reached Sendai City. Rin walked with everyone in wonder and awe for the new city he was in.

   "How are you liking this place so far?" Itadori asked.

   "Its so pretty, its completely different from True Cross" Rin said with a bright smile.

   Kuro, whom was on Rins shoulder also nodded in agreement.

   "Glad you like it, you can go exploring with Itadori another time however, we need to head back to the dorms in the Jujutsu High School." Gojo said, putting his hand on Rins shoulder.

   Rin nodded. He was excited to see his new school most of all. They kept walking with Rin looking around the place. Rin then faced Gojo.

   "Hey, I'm curious, where is the Jujutsu school located?" Rin was curious. 

   "The school building is located on Tokyo's outskirts, far and high in the mountains. So it's well hidden" he said.

   "Ok" Rin said.

[Just know that I'm just now re-watching Jujutsu Kaisen so hopefully I get Some information right, but then oh well, I'll fix it later if I find mistakes. But I'm also getting lazy again and I also have no idea what to put here so I'll skip forward just a bit more ok?]

   Since it was late already, Gojo told everyone to rest up. He faced Rin.

   "Make sure you wake up early tomorrow, you have a meeting with the principal, and there's somewhere I need to take you. Ok?" He asked.

   Rin nodded "Yes sir" He said. 

   "Good, now good night everyone, Rin, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Make sure you're up and about by then" Gojo said as he walked away.

   They all walked to their dorm rooms. Megumi being the first to enter his room for the night. Nobara took the time to say goodnight and walked off. Itadori showed Rin the empty room right next to his. They both bid each other a goodnight and went to their rooms, with Kuro following Rin to his new dorm room. 

   Since it was late, Rin didn't bother to unpack tonight. He was much too tired from the long trip from true cross to here at the school. Rin did change to his night clothes and hopped in bed. He faced the roof and sighed. 

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