blink, tear, blink.

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I didn't blink.
I refused to.
All because I could feel the tears collecting in my eyes.
I was forced to blink after a minute.
A single tear dropped onto my right cheek before swiftly flowing down to my chin and dropping onto my arm that was wrapped firmly around my ribs as though I was holding myself together.
I stared again.
For a shorter amount of time.
I blink again.
Another tear follows the same path as the last while another slips from my left eye and slowly descends my face following the natural curves of my nose and cheek.
I tried to stare again.
I blinked.
As soon as my eyes opened, they closed again.
They didn't open.
I didn't want them to.
I felt another tear fall from my left eye.
I felt it slowly trickle down my face.
After a minute, it had made it half way down my cheek.
I opened my eyes.
I didn't wipe the tears.
Not at first.
Five minutes passed.
I stared. I blinked.
No more tears fell.
I finally lifted my hands and wiped my cheek dry.
There was no real evidence that I had cried.
Apart from my slightly red eyes but I could blame that on my lack of sleep.
No-one had noticed at the time.
No-one will know it ever happened.

night time poetryWhere stories live. Discover now