Chapter 19. E

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Filler Chapter Alert!

I awaken to Jamie's soft snores infront of me, and his legs tangled with mine. I wish I could stay here forever, but I can't with all of this work I gotta do.

Slowly getting up, I place the blankets on Jamie evenly to make sure he keeps warm without me.

Looking at the clock, I see it is 7:43. Seven minutes before my alarm.  I quickly went and turned the alarm off as to not awaken the Sleeping Beauty in my bed.

Going into the bathroom, I start my morning routine, going pee, brushing my teeth, trimming and shaving hair and washing my face. I haven't washed my face before, but Jamie thinks it's important so I will start doing that.

Softie. Sebastian says, commenting on my attention to detail.

Yeah yeah, just know when he sees your fur and asks to wash it you will jump right into that tub. Sebastian hates getting washed. He says it's because of the weight of his damp fur, but I think he just doesn't like when he's not covered in his own nasty.

Walking out of the bathroom, I change into a comfortable sweatshirt and pair of jeans. Hearing me walk around, Mochi jumps up and begins rubbing his furry cheek onto my pant leg, asking for food.

I refill his food bowl, and water bowl. I also change his litter, which I was putting off, but Jamie is in my room and I don't want him to smell Mochi stink.

Finally ready for work, I put my glasses on and begin writing the statistics of this week's training. So far, our pack has been the strongest this season.

Hearing Jamie's soft breathing pattern change, I look up and see his little body roll over and small groan leave his pink lips.

I look down at my paper and act busy quickly, not wanting to look creepy.

" Everett? " I hear Jamie's lighter morning voice call me.

" Yes, Love? " I look up at him.

" ... "

" Jamie? "

He chuckles, " My ass hurts. "

" You want lotion? I might have gone too hard on your poor plump rump. "

" Shut up.. " He gets up, and changes his clothes.

" Do you want to go to the mall today?" He asks, sleepily.

" Sure Bunny, let me finish this up, and then we will go.  "

" Good because I need to put my makeup and jewelry on anyways. " He chuckles lightly.

Finishing up, I hear Jamie pee, wash his hands and put on two necklaces, a bracelet and some rings. I only know exactly what he put on exactly because he was narrating what he was doing. Now he's putting on eyeshadow and then he will put on blush and eyeliner.

Dork. Sebastian snickers

Jamie walks out, wearing black fabric overalls and a daisy pattern shirt, and the jewelry he said he will wear.

Don't tell him we can hear him! He's so cute. Sebastian says

" Ready, Darling? "

" Yes, Mister Wolf. " I chuckle at his nickname, leading him outside to the car.

" Go to the South Oak mall, it's so much better. "

" Okay.. "

Driving to the mall, Jamie shows me his favorite songs from the Hamilton musical. I'm not complaining, they're good songs.

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