Chapter 9. E

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Oh my Goddess!

I had no idea I would get this far! Laying here, on HIS bed, I got to scent it AND smell him!

Watching him intently, I see him look at the clock, and move to his wardrobe. And. Change!

I enjoy the view as he takes his sweater off, and his pants, standing in his boxer breifs.

I. Almost. Lost. My. Shit.

How can someone just stand there practically naked in their own room? This is ridiculous!

I watch Jamie take a over sized sweatshirt and put it on.

'Sadly..' Sebastian says in my mind, sharing my thoughts.

We observe him walk to his desk, and mess with his laptop, closing tabs, opening tabs, and turning the laptop off.

Jamie then walks to his bed, which I am on, start to get next to me an-

" Son of a bitch! "

Shocked, I see him grab his foot, his toe turning pink already.

'I would love to see his plump rump turn that color...'


Jamie turns the light off, with a slight limp, then gets into bed more carefully this time. Instead of going to sleep like I thought he would, Jamie goes onto Tik Tok and begins looking at men. Hot men.

Curling into a ball, I feel torn. He's gay, obviously, and horny. But, he's not looking for me.. that makes me feel like a depressed boy who got turned down at the prom.

' His dick smaller than my toes
Yeah- yeah, smaller than my- ' Jamie's ring tone went off.

" Hey, what's up, Kody. "

Kody.. Kody?.. is that a gorls name or a boys name?

" Nah, I can't come over for weed, I picked up a stray dog from the sidewalk. "

Huh? Weed?

Jamie sits up, and begins petting me.

" There was a wolf outside.. yes he's definitely a dog. He barely even looked at me when I grabbed his scruff. "

Ugh I hate being called a dog.

" Sure I'll send a picture "

He points his phone at me and I look away. Dogs normally don't have bright yellow eyes, believe it or not. I hear the sound of a camera shutter- or the fake noise the phone makes, and then the sounds of his small finger pads tapping on the phone.

" Yeah, he is cute isn't he? "

Jamie begins laughing, and I can't help but feel jealous. Who's making him laugh this hard? Not me, and that's all I know.

" Oh my God, wait, I gotta tell you something! At work today, there was this new man come into the store and holy shit he was so FINE... of course I was working cashier! Anyways, he showed me his cat.. Mocha I think it was named, but the cat is SO FUCKING CUTE! It's one of the rare deep brown colors. Anyways, Aunt Jemima ships it. "

Aw.. I'm glad he feels that way about me. I can't help but let my tail wag.

" Oh he was tall too, like 6'5. I'm pretty sure he's into me... he called me Jameson and FUCKING WINKED AT ME. How can that mean anything else? "

6'5? Eh close enough. 

" Alright, I gotta go to bed, I got a busy day tomorrow. My fucking boss is making me work double this week because I 'am a homosexual fuck who needs to learn what work is' like who the fuck does that fucking cunt think she is!? "

Hmm.. Jamie doesn't seem like the type to report homophobic work behavior towards him. Atleast I know he is gay though (Like that was a question) but now all I need to do is not mess up and things will be fine- what's that smell? Oh come on.

Looking back, I see Jamie on FaceTime, with a fucking joint in his mouth.

Son of a bitch. Didn't he say no? Maybe his boss really stresses him out. Does he need the money? Or is he trying to escape something?

' Ahh, yeah, you see that shit I sent you? Fucking awesome. '

I hear his friend Kody say, still not being able to tell genders yet.

" I'm gonna.. uhhm.. go eat some cheese " Jamie looks at me " Hey boy? Want some cheese? You gotta big dick so you must drink your milk? "

I hear Kody start laughing like a hyena.

" What? Oh yeah. Ima go eat, be right back. "

Jamie stands up and just leaves..

Closing the door behind him. Locking me inside.

I stand up, and lay on a better spot. Ugh my back is sore. I move positions, twirling around, and laying down once more.

Much better.

I need to get Jamie to find more healthy ways of dealing with stress.

' Like sucking our dick? ' Sebastian said, voice full of hope.

" It depends on what he wants. But if it works for him then I really don't care. "

I can almost feel how excited he is to have mate's plump lips around our stick. His throat sore from us pounding into him, his voice vibrating our co-

The door opens, a slightly stoned Jamie appears.

Author here~

I just want to thank you all for reading. I will TRY to post everyday, but no promises.

My entire point to this book is adding some funny ideas I have while reading about these dominant men with their princes, so hey, why not actually write these ideas?

I'm going to try to speed things up.

Chapter 9 and nothing happened yet? I probably would have stopped reading to be honest 😭

I'm not going to leave many ANs, unless I have something important to say.

Anyways, stay weird, stay horny, peace out.

Mated With The BetaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora