Chaper 10. J + E

236 7 1

Colby jack cheese it best cheese, nobody can change my opinion.

Eating handful after hand full, I realized I left the dog in my room.

I'll just bring the cheese.

Walking up, I almost stumble, remembering that hot ass guy. What's a guy like that doing in a small town like this?

Maybe looking for small town bussy.

Going into my room, I see the dog sitting on my bed looking HELLA pissed.

" Why you mad? You still got your balls. "

I laugh at my mediocre joke.

He grumbles.

I thought it was funny.

I take my hand and grab some cheese, not to much though, I don't want to go to diarrhea city before I go to sleep.

Holding my cheesy hand infront of him, he doesn't eat it.

" You gonna eat it? "

He looks at me like I'm an idiot.

I just eat the cheese.

He looks even madder.

" Why you so mad? What, you on your puppy period? "

Kody laughed. I forgot he was still there.

The dog looks VERY unimpressed.

I walk to my bed, go into the table, and grab the joint I was smoking before.

I start scrolling on Tik Tok, laughing, needing to be unsober to find it funny.

I hear tired grumbles as the dog curls  up besides me, letting out a doggy sigh.

I read the room, turn my phone off, and finish the last drag.

Putting my phone on its charger, I lay down and cuddle up to the big puppy, his back to my tummy, my hands around him.

I love dogs.

×+ Time Skip +×

I wake up to the dog up and pacing, probably done with me. I get up, put a robe on, and walk out. The canine following me.

I open the front door, he looks at me sadly, but skedaddles out the house.

I wonder if mom would buy a dog?

" Jamie, is that you? Why are you at the door? "

I look down, seeing the newspaper.

" Morning, pop, I was just getting the newspaper for you. "

He looks at me suspiciously.

" Why? "

" Because your bones are old. One wrong pop and you go from Is to Was."

He found that funny.

Unlike that dog.

I think I should ask for a dog, that big boy is stuck in my head now.

" I need to get ready for work. See ya later, pops. "

I need to work on being more smooth.

♤ Everett ♧

Running back to my car in a hotel parking lot was a challenge. I had to keep witnesses low.

Changing into a light blue sweater ( A omega accidentally added a blue sweater while washing this one, but I like it even more now. ), and a pair of dark blue jeans, and some shoes, with a pair of sunglasses, I get into the front seat, and drive back to the pack house.

I would go straight to the Cat Cafe, but, that would look suspicious.

After fixing some problems ( Like that rouge in the forest ), I feed Mochi, and do any work that I have to do. Because of trying to get my human mate to fall in love with me, I need time. Luckily, our pack was not built by idiots, so my work has been cut in half, meetings were excused and the old beta is momentarily in charge in my absence.

Human mates are a huge thing. Unlike some assume it's a sign of weakness, it's actually the opposite; a sign of strength, loyalty, love and compassion.  Human mates are so difficult to properly become one with, being unaware of our entire existence.

After internally reviewing what I know, I check the time. 12:47. I should get there at a normal time ( for someone who doesn't know his hours. )

Walking out of my room, then the house then to my car, I drive as quickly as I could safely, and parked outside the Cafe in minutes.

Happy to see my mate, I walk into the building.

I see some people sitting by tables, while petting cats. Looking at the front table, I notice Jamie, looking kinda tired, reading a magazine.

Going up to the desk, I stand there waiting for him to notice me.

I would stand here forever for you.

He looks up, shock on his face.

I flash him a smile.

" Hey! I didn't expect you to be back. "

His heart is beating faster, his face is beginning to blush ( not wearing makeup, he wanted to eat cookies).

" I- " I couldn't even get anything out before I feel a expensive peice of acrylic tap my shoulder repeatedly.

I move my head to the side, looking at her through the corner of my eye, not giving her the right of face to face conversation. Jamie looks mortified, like something is getting taken away from him.

" Hi, could you help me look for our newest kitten? I'll make sure to pay you for it~~ "


" I thought this place only takes older cats? That were going to get euthanized; but were saved by the owners? " I look at her fully this time, my face unimpressed. Hers scrambling to explain herself.

" W-well it was from the uh.. ALLEYWAY! Yes, the new kitten is from the-" I press my hand to her ugly mouth.

" Don't lie. I'm not interested in you. I'm not straight. Now, get your plastic ass out of my face before I file a complaint for sexual harassment. "

Her tacky face shows anger as she stomps behind a door.

I look as Jamie, his face is full of happiness, that he masks quickly, yet failing.

" Now, as you were saying? "

His face blushes once more.

" Pink is a lovely color on you, I can see why you wear blush. " I say, lightly flirting to remove all of those worried thoughts from his pretty little head

" I- uhm.. thank you Everett.. "

I watch him. I'm done leading this conversation now, it's his turn.

" I uh.. you getting more treats or are you staying for coffee? "

" Mh, I'll stay. How much for two hours? "

" okay, it's 18.95. " He looks up at me, apparently not seeing what he wanted.

" I-Its expensive because we buy the cats good stuff.. I can uhmm " He looks around frantically, like the answer to his fake problem will apper somewhere in the room.

I chuckle, finding this humorous.

" It's fine, Love, I was just trying to calculate how much to tip you. " I'm not british, just sneaking in some titles of endearment.

" Oh, tips are not necessary, our salarys are enough. "

" Meh, what's wrong with an extra 20$ in your wallet? "

I ask, as slyly as possible, putting two twentys on the counter.

He looks up, shocked, but happy. Maybe he likes my approval.

" Seat myself? " I say, wanting to sit in here to watch him forever.

He nodded weakly.

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