Chapter 26. J

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" Hamilton wrote the other 51! "
My phone speaker played music as I got ready for this.. thing? I don't know. I forgot.

Anywho, I begin to apply my blush and bronzer, Everett to my right shaving his beard for the second time.

" Are you almost done, M'lady? " He asks me after rinsing his face of any remaining shaving cream.

" Let me see.. " I stare at his face, finding what I was looking for.

" Everett pop that damned pimple. You know what? No, I will. You will probably hurt yourself. " I pick up a pimple popping tool, and began to rake it down on that cursed blemish on my man's face.

" Ow, that hurts. " Everett said, being the big baby he is at heart.

" Beauty is pain. But, you're done. Put some cologne on, you smell like wet dog. " Everett must have been lost before me.

" Thanks, Babe. " Everett said, humor in his voice as he sprayed himself with the damned masculine perfume that took way to long to figure out how to spell.

" Mhm. " I look at myself in the mirror. I need to pluck my eyebrows again... nah I'll do it tomorrow incase I mess myself up.

" Ok, now I'm ready. " I look at my Sage green dress, long skirt (Everett's request), and crossed bodice.

I put on some of my pretty jewelry, and grab my phone. I look like a woman, but nobody's complaining.

" Come on, Honey. " Everett takes my hand, giving me butterflies. It doesn't matter how much time I've spent with him, he will always make me nervous.

We leave the pack house together, turning heads. I think I saw Oliver glaring at me, but I understand his emotions.

" Hey, " Tom said, catching our attention. Tom was wearing a uh.. Nice normal dress.

A hot pink short silk dress, with gold jewelry.

" ...You look great? " I said being supportive of.. whatever this was.

" He lost a bet. " Charlie said, a grin on his face.

" Shut up, Charlie! " Tom said angrily

" Alright, let's go. " Everett said gruffly, sick of our shit. Everyone walks outside of the pack house together.

We enter a nice car. Everything here probably cost more than my entire ass birth.

Everett tells the driver a name of a fancy restaurant.

" Jamie, can I pick what you eat, please? " Tom said, practically begging me.

" Uhm.. why though? You trying to poison me or something? "

" No. But can I? "

" Uh.. no..? " I sat, uncertain of what he's asking.

" Damnit. " He said, unhappy for whatever reason.

" He probably wanted to force feed you some stinky slimy expensive snails, Jamie. " Charlie said, uncovering Tom's master plan.

" Shhh! " Tom said, unhappy.

We all laughed at that.

The rest of the drive was quiet, nobody really said anything until we reached this fancy restaurant in the middle of Cheshire Street.

" Awwe, I've always wanted to come here! " I squealed, happy to finally go to la lune.

" Latin for 'The Moon'? This is original. Especially for us. " Tom said flatly.

" Shh, this is a werewolf hotspot, we will be fine here no matter how unoriginal the name of the restaurant is. "

" Wait, hotspot? " I asked, dumbfounded that a restaurant I've seen almost everyday had werewolves.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Mated With The BetaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon