Chapter 42: Once upon a time in Given.

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A/N: I guess y'all been wondering how Caz and Cariel's rivalry started or how Lucifer turned out the way he was. I wondered too until I decided I was gonna find out; and I did.. ladies and gentlemen I give you “once upon a time in Given"

Eons before Earth was created.

The environment was filled with elated winged creatures; men, women and winged beasts as they had all travelled from the Golden city of angels to the Diamond City of El for another Seventh million year (one year of the Lord) for his blessings in the past year and also to worship and reverence their maker. But most importantly to have a glimpse of Him.

Amongst these angels were Immanuel, the angel of Holiness, Mikhael the angel of War, Uriel the angel of wisdom, Rafael the angel of healing, Gabriel the guardian angel of the realms and messenger of El, Zadkiel the angel of righteous and Samael-Lucephah the angel of Melodies and Death.

This was a tradition that had been going on ever since the tradition of the very first angelic race(the arch angels) eons ago and on each year of the Lord,El gifted the angelic folk with young angels to add to their numbers.

"All hail El or Lord, King and God!" A four headed beast who held a very large trumpet and stood at the citadel of His Presence yelled.

At that the other beasts hooted, playing their  harps, lyres, saxophones,trumpets, guitars in happiness.

"All hail our Creator, who is worthy to be praised" all  the angels responded falling to their knees as a mist covered the Tabernacle, a presence so magnificent that no angelic eye could behold him glided toward them, stopping when he reached the part of the temple the twenty four elders were knelt.

"Rise!" A soft voice whispered into the hearts of all who were at His Presence.

The angels and beast knowing they could now look at the creator raised their heads off the ground in anticipation of knowing which form he had taken this time.

A silver head dark skinned man stood where El's presence had once been. Dressed in a strange looking white jacket and a clothing which encased his long legs, he wore brown colored  sandals, which hid His feet from their view. The only thing lacking from his apparel were wings, yet he floated easily in the air like he had invisible ones.

On the left side of El was a blonde haired silver eyed girl(of maybe six -eight years) and on his right was also another blonde haired blue eyed girl of the same age. It seemed those two were identical twins but with different eye color (which identification their race)

"She's Cariel" the silver eyed angel was moved forward by an unknown force "And Castiel-Azrael" the other twin was moved forward.

All the angels gasped knowing their new additions were special. Twins were almost unheard of, they existed but were rare. (Mikhael and Samael, Metatron and Marveseus were the only angelic twins). A cry of jubilation was heard as all the other angels rejoiced at El's gift to them but a few were unsatisfied and unhappy and amongst them was Samael for he felt El was trying to replace him.


A few weeks later.

Samael  smiled inwardly as he watched the two preteen angels as the raced toward him. These two looked up at him as if he was a god. Samael loved both kids equally, spent time with each equally bit he only needed for his plans, The destruction of Given.

You see Samael was an absolute great guy, the IT guy whom everyone loved and got along with except for Mikhael who felt he was rotten on the inside but whom Samael believed was jealous of the attention he got. And who wouldn't be, He was Handsome, with his perfect black hair always sleeked back, electric blue eyes, outspoken, the most talented angel,powerful in fact he believed he was Second to El and plus he could see and talk face to face with El (with
the other six much to his determent) also was El's weapon and sang him melodies which El loved more than his realm of the Givens.

Speaking of which was El's latest fascination.

Samael despised the Givens as he felt they were a threat to his power and popularity as they more than likely worshipped El more than he did.

Like who the hell does that.

He wasn't trying to be jealous or something but the point was he was the only one meant to do that.

"Hey Lucephah! Look what I've got" Cariel yelled outrunning her sister as who walked slowly while sucking on her lips. She closed her eyes manifesting a scythe taller than her which she was already five foot ten.

Samael took the scythe and examined it curiously, eyeing Azrael from the corner of his eye as she also had manifested twin short swords that looked like they'd cut through anything and also looked pretty easy to handle.

Smart girl.

Turning his attention from Castiel to Cariel who was getting angry at his attention on her sister, he asked.

"What is this?"

"It's my new weapon, do you like it?" Cariel asked.

"Yes Cariel" He answered almost immediately as he had somewhere to be at.

"That's great cos I'm gonna be the next angel of Death after you" the ambitious young angel said while her twin nodded vigorously as she feared her twin's wrath.


You can tell Castiel was in her sister's shadow as a kid.....but hopefully she'd get out from Cariel's influence.

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