Chapter 38: Hades

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Dedicated to KanuChiomaAngel

Uriel had strict instructions from Castiel to find Mikhael, which was how she had found herself in Israel with Rafael and his stubborn wife Ariel accompanying her.

It had been plan B Caz had made as a way to ensure that if Cariel ended up winning or killing her that Earth wouldn't be in the mercy of her evil twin.

"Are we there yet?" Ariel qups with irritation as their stopped in by a signpost that said Nizzana.

"Nope we are headed to Vered Ha-Galil" Uriel answered, marveling at how much Israel had changed.
Last time she had been there was two millennia ago when Immanuel had been born to humans in Bethlehem.

Uriel, Castiel and Mikhael had been his guardian angels and they had been stuck on Earth since then.

Speaking of Castiel, Uriel was worried, she hadn't heard anything from her since then and she hoped to El that Caz wasn't dead.

"why exactly?" Ariel said flicking her blonde hair.

"To find Mikhael"



That was all Castiel could see. she couldn't move her limbs as she was frozen in time, she believed. Castiel tried to shout, anything but no sounds left her lips for it felt like her lips had been glued together or her tongue was stuck on the gums.

"Help" Castiel yelled but no sounds left her lips, instead all she heard were voices all around here, Phantoms with red eyes, fangs and claws inching toward her, clawing at every part of her yet she felt no pain.

Fear unlike anything Caz had ever felt gripped her with an intensity that'd would shake the foundations of Earth.

And speaking of Earth, where the hell was she?

Forcing open her eyes, she was stunned only to see herself face up, her back down on sandy dunes in a desert with nothing except her in miles. Sitting up, Castiel took a deep breath, and inhaled stale air that made her cough violently. She bent down as she had no strength to stand for her knees felt like jelly.
Fisting the sand under her palms, Caz managed to stand, but on wobbly legs which made her feel like she hadn't walked any day of her life. With the red hot sun beating down her back, it's heat a hundred times hotter than the heat at the sahara desert. Caz was sure she had a burnt back by now.

" I'm so damn thirsty" Caz mused as her throat burned like one who hadn't had water in eons and she knew she had to get water.
With new found determination, she sets out, knowing if she'd get water, then she'd find a way out for she now knew where she was at, the in between world know to humans as purgatory.
All she had to do was find her way out, Knowing it was practically impossible, the only way out was if someone pulled or summons her down the pits of hell or heaven. And knowing she was a fallen, she knew her only option was asking Samael for help and she'd bet that sick bastard knew it as well. he must have planned this.

I'll rather fade away than ask that bastard for help

with new found determination, Castiel moved from the previous spot she had been, booted feet sinking in the hot sandy dunes. Wiping the sweat on her forehead with the back of her arm Caz continued her journey, her lungs protesting, causing her to cough viciously.

Five hours later(she could have walked more or less, but in her delirious state she had no idea of how long it took) she spied a a tree with green leaves looking healthy despite the dry and hot habitat, it was short, about seven foot three inches tall (she believed) with golden fruits that looked like a crossbreed of almond, watermelon and an apple and they were big and juicy. knowing they were the only way she could get water, she moved closer to it's shade, but a hooting sound stopped her from proceeding.

Looking up, Caz saw a very large owl sitting at one of the trees branches, hissing loudly while next to the owl was a large green and black serpent.

"you aren't welcome here Death" the serpent hisses with venom.

"You, I believe I killed you Serpentino" Caz hissed back angrily at the fool who had let Samael manipulate him, causing most of the woes that had befallen humanity.

"Oh Azrael, how naive of you, to think you could get rid of something as powerful as me, I never died" Serpentino hissed "I was simply reborn to rule this realm alone"

The owl beside Serpentino hoots again cutting her attention from the vile creature.

" sorry darling" Serpentino apologized to the owl "reborn to rule beside my queen" he corrected his previous error.

" Listen snake just get outta my way I need that " Caz said, bored with whatever he was saying, who the heck cares about ruling the wasteland, all she needed to do was to get out of there and find her way back to Dawn city.

" Not so fast death" Serpentino hissed, moving his large body about in a weird way.

The sands rumble suddenly, the sand dunes rising like a wave then crashing. The ground violent shook or rather quaked, large craters and boulders forming from the ground craters emerged creatures that belonged in nightmares, phantoms, trolls and ogres.
About a hundred of them(at least) all had claws and fangs with red eyes and Castiel recognized them.
they were the souls of the damned angels that had been sent here and who hadn't survived the thirst and from the little she had read about them back in Golden city, they preyed on the blood of angels.

" Here guys" Serpentino hissed " I brought you a present, Death"


How did it go guys..

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