Chapter 10: Nightmare

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Picture of Moloch above

"Mom, Mom, Mom wake up" Emily bleeding head yelled coming closer to a petrified Maurie who kept screaming her head off.

"Mom wake up, tis a ni'mare" tiny hands shook her her awake .

Screaming on top her voice Maurie jumped from the bed nearly knocking Emily down.

"Jesus, Jesus, Emily, honey come" A very sweaty Maurie enveloped her daughter in her arms as she wept into Emily's curly hair, muttering words that barely made sense. God knew Emily was her everything and Maurie would kill to keep her safe.

" Mom I'm okay, I'm not going anywhere" Emily murmured as tears streamed her down her eyes to her cheeks as she reacted to the tears of her mother.

As if a switch had been flipped in Maurie's head. The woman shook off her daughter's embrace, then holding the girl's face in her palms she looked into Emily's eyes.

"Honey, I'm gonna protect you, I'm not going let anything happen to you chica, alright?" She promised frantically, scared she'd lose her daughter to the antagonist of her nightmare.

"Okay mom, but let go mom, I gotta watch SpongeBob SquarePants" the wriggling said, as she tried to get out of her mother's arms.

Maurie hearing the word SpongeBob, couldn't help but remember that Emily had been watching that cartoon in her nightmare before tragedy had struck.
Moving like an automated machine Maurie ignored Emily who rushed to the living room to watch her favorite cartoon.

Maurie rushed into Emily's bedroom packing and stuffing clothes and other necessities in a box, as she went about.

"Honey, come on we are going on a vacation" Maurie said as she pushed two heavy bags into the living area.

"Don't wanna mom" Emily said still watching the cartoon. An enraged Maurie who feared for her daughter's life and had her best interests at heart, unplugged the TV causing the eight year old daughter to whine at the loss of her favorite show.

"Here take Lena" Maurie said tossing a white smiling teddy to Emily's arms as a bribe knowing After her love for her Cat and SpongeBob came her love for the tattered stuffed bear.

"Where're we going to mom? Emily asked all curious as her mom who was searching her purse frantically for her car keys paused momentarily.

"Tijuana, honey, we're going to Mexico"

"But mom I don't wanna, Tia Imelda hates me, Abuelo Felipe does too" she complained, folding her arms and standing akimbo.

Maurie took a deep breath, she knew her cousin and grandfather hated her daughter but she was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
If she were to stay, her daughter and herself would be toast, this was a matter of live and death. The woman knew she was overacting, but then she also knew most of her nightmares come true so rather than risk it, she'd face the hate from her own familia.

"Honey we ain't got no other choice and we will be back before you know it" Maurie said

"Promise" Emily raised her pinky toward her mom. Maurie signed before twinning her fingers with Emily's.

"I promise"

"Knock, knock, Holla strangers" a deep accented voice growled hitting heavy fists to the simultaneously.

Maurie Froze at the sound of the voice, it sounded familiar.

"It's all in my head, it's all in my head" she muttered feverishly.

"Open this door Maureen Anna Rodriguez or I'll break it you puny little human"

Maurie unfrozen from her temporarily state and swung into action, an idea suddenly came to her.

"Em honey, listen to me" Maurie said as she grabbed the kid by the shoulders, her brown eyes meeting Emily's darker pair. " I need you to run, there's a very bad man that wants to hurt you, so I want you to run as fast as you can, forget mommy, honey go get help"

Emily nods and Maurie watched her run toward the staircase. Moving swiftly, Maurie grabbed the Hunting gun her father previously owned.

Emily who was at the stairway paused, staring back at her mother like she could understand the sacrifice he mom was making, a lone tear streaked down her chin. Swiping at it she looked towards her mom.

" Mom will you be okay?" The kid looked down as the door fell from its hinges.
A huge man ran in, except he looked like a monster, he had huge horns like that of a ram with a red face, he looked so ugly and scary that she automatically knew what he was.

Maurie felt her eyes widen in surprise and fear. what the heck was this, he looked the part of a supervillain in a bad horror movie.

Dressed in a body hugging suit, the creature moved toward and Maurie found herself frozen in fear. Remembering her nightmare, the woman snapped out of her reverie as she shot him, shot after shot.

The demon grinned, his fangs brown with eons of no dental care as he caught each bullet with his fingers, it did nothing to deter him.
Appearing next to Maurie, he snatched the gun from her.

"Looking for this Maureen" he said running his tongue on the trigger while watched the hopelessness in Maurie's eyes, he broke the rifle into two with his right hand while lifting Maurie with the other hand.

"Goodbye Human, see ya in hell" the demon whispered into Maurie's ears before clasping his fangs on her neck.


And that's a wrap guys, I'll be updating again on Thursday.

RAVEN: Angel Of Death (Watty's 2023)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora