Chapter 21: Wisdom of Uriel

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"Hello sister"

A voice Castiel hadn't heard for centuries called out startling the angel of death. Caz holds her breathe then turns slowly.

"Uriel by El it's you sister" an excited Castiel says, embracing her older sibling, surprising the red haired angel.

"Azzie girl, certainly missed ya kid" Uriel pulls Caz out of her embrace, while Castiel coughs in embarrassment at her total loss if composure. It seemed whenever Uriel was around she turns to the awkward angel she had once been.

The sisters both sit on a slab of rock and Castiel asks Uriel how she had found her.

"I'd just awakened, found a bunch of ravens and reapers along imperial Highway back in LA, and interrogated them, but then none was willing to talk until Caleb" Uriel grins while the mentioned Raven gulps, with the knowledge the angel had ousted him.

"I never said I knew where she was" Caleb yells, trying to defend himself.

"Nah, I just let you go kid, then followed you, and boom here we are in Argentina" Caleb pales  as he realise he had been played by Uriel.

Castiel let's out a chuckle, then addresses the kid "Don't bother feelin'guilty, Uriel's that good"

Caz rolled her eyes at a laughing Uriel. She didn't blame him, he was just a kid, barely seventeen when she had recruited him, which was six months ago. He had come from a family of Raven shifters but hadn't known about it since he was left off in an orphanage and Caz had found him in the streets of Brooklyn,hanging with the wrong crowd. She had seen her mark on his forehead(it was a tattoo of a black raven, human's can't see it only angels and demons could).

Caz stares at the boy and sighs in exasperation, the kid still thought she was angry at him.

"Caleb you're free to go, I'm not really mad at you, you brought my sister to me, for that I'm grateful"

"Really Raven?" He asks his eyes shining with happiness at pleasing his Boss.


" now shoo,why don't you scram lil bird, I need to discuss with my sister."
Uriel says, while Caleb scowls at Uriel before shifting into a Raven and flies away.

"So where's Mikhael, Caz?" Uriel asks, as she expected the oldest Arch angel to be there.

"I do not know where she is , if she's Awakened or not" Caz Rus her fingers in her perfect hair, leaving it mused "it's not like wisdom is my strongest suit, I can't figure out what Samael had planned" Caz complains, rubbing her temples in frustration.

Uriel nods, her brain working fast, there were so many things she didn't know, so many things she needed to understand.

"What's really going on Caz, and don't bother to lie, I need to know"

Caz opens her mouth then shuts it fast as she had wanted to deny but then decided she needed Uriel's help.

" Samael's planning something big,  Armageddon, I believe"

"What! That's crazy, he's joking right?" Uriel asks horrified

"Nope, he's been wanting me to join him"

"He's insane"

"I know right, but we're talking Lucifer here, his entire existence a sick joke" Caz laughs out loud at the lame joke she made. For the first time in forever, Caz felt freer than ever, Uriel had a way of making her feel better.

After the laughter had died out, a comfortable silence settles between both angels.

"You gotta run the entire story by me, I believe there's something missing here" Uriel speaks out after some time, breaking the silence.

Castiel feels herself return back to reality. Samael was slowly turning into a royal pain in the ass.

" Samael have unleashed his arch demons on Earth" Castiel starts before proceeding to tell Uriel everything that had begun since the last month, from Emily to president Carolyn, with her being on the run.  The only thing she had hidden was the new decision she had made, it was her secret and hers to keep.

"So Rafa's here" Uriel meant to ask but it  rathercomes out like a statement.

"Yeah" Caz affirms confused as why Afterall that had happened and what She had told Uriel, the angel asked about Rafael.

"Caz, when was the last time you saw him?" Uriel asked, her blue eyes glazed. Caz could see the wheels in her sisters brain turning.

" I think that was after he had placed The president and her husband in whatever country he had them hidden" she answers carefully, brows furrowed as she was still not getting what Uriel was insinuating.

"Castiel bow long was that?" Uriel asks impatiently, her countenance strange, scaring Caz.

"Umm twenty nine hours, fourteen minutes , thirty one seconds and nine nanoseconds" Caz answers nervously.

"Shit, this is bad, extremely bad, I should have been here on time" Uriel starts to pace driving Caz insane, after a long wait of  about five seconds, Caz decided she had enough, she walks up to the other angel and grasp her shoulders halting  her paces.

"What's wrong Uriel, just spit it out already" Caz yells, pulling her short hair in frustration. Uriel seeing Castiel was losing her patience, draws in a deep breath.

"Rafa is in danger Castiel and that kid Emily is too"

"What the hell" Caz yells as fear suddenly overwhelms her, she moves fast toward the edge of the mountain, while ignoring a hysterical Uriel who was telling for her to stop. She spreads her wings in preparation of flight but Uriel stops her.

"What the hell do you think you are doing"

Caz casts a mocking glance at her sister then looks down the mountain.

"I'm gonna save Emily and Rafa and you can't stop me"


Another chapter, guys aren't I awesome? The first part of the story is almost done and I'm promising more intrigue and action.


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