Since the air is dead, Ibaraki decided to recreate it by kissing Marisa deeply and letting their tongues interlock as they both panted for breath.

She gently sucked Marisa's nape as she let out a moan, making Ibaraki want to continue further than requested, but the waft of sweet wine makes her restrain herself.

In the end, Marisa got several kiss marks on her entire body, meanwhile, Shuten is jealous of it but because they are made of mana the kiss mark will fade immediately after their mana will be refilled.

"Jeez... you are lacking self-control Ibaraki"

Marisa said helplessly, but her tone is filled with joy despite what has done.

"It can't be helped, you are beautiful, and I am deeply attracted to you"

Marisa smiled happily and decided to hug Ibaraki tightly.

"So, what is your plan, Marisa?"

But as usual, Shuten decided to intervene and destroy the moment making the two deadpanned and stare at her.


Marisa discusses how would she find the culprit by beating everyone in the feast.

The two Onis looked at each other and agreed that it was better to see something interesting rather than to intervene.

Marisa heard that the next feast is in three days, so tomorrow she will start finding the culprit.


Early in the Morning, Marisa started to find the first victim-the first suspected culprit.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, the two Oni decided to follow her in their spirit form as they looked forward to the grand battles of the natives here.

Marisa started flying towards another house in the forest of magic, and you could see some dolls cleaning up the surroundings.

She rudely enters it, making the owner of the house angry at her.

She is currently facing a blonde hair girl that wears blue clothes and red ribbons.

"Alice, are you the one who is manipulating Reimu to initiate this feast?"

Marisa cheerfully asked making Alice massage her head because it was early in the morning and someone destroyed her peace.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, why not head to the Scarlet Devil Mansion or the Hakurei shrine for clues?"

Alice said tiredly while she tried to shoo Marisa away.

"You are right, but I doubt Reimu wanted someone to suspect her so that I will sneak in by night"

Seeing Marisa leave made Alice sigh in relief, but Marisa comes back with a more serious expression.

"Alice... Are you the one who cursed Ibaraki?"

Ibaraki is calm by the revelation since she already figured out who it was, meanwhile, Shuten almost cancels her spirit form in a fit of anger, but Ibaraki made her calm down

Alice is hesitating whether to lie or tell the truth, but she thought that Marisa will hate her if she said the truth.

"I don't know what are you talking about"

After she said that, Marisa's expression become darker, and she sighed heavily.

"I thought you understand how Ibaraki is important to me since you are my closest friend"

"I know that you lied since I know what you do when you are lying"

Alice after hearing that become angry and raised her voice

Becoming an Oni in this land of illusionWhere stories live. Discover now