Chapter 21: The Weight of the World

Start from the beginning

This new zone that we've entered doesn't appear to be a convergence zone. Unfortunately, that means even more walking and traveling. We've arrived in some strange empty, dry, and desolate salt flat. Off in the distance appears to be some large, white-columned building.

"So what now?" I ask.

"It's probably going to have to be us making way toward whatever that is. Never expected to see the Pantheon in the middle of the desert," Nico begrudgingly says while trudging off in the direction of whatever structure is out in the distance.

"What the hell is the Pantheon?" Haedrig asks.

"You wouldn't understand, Haedrig. It's an Earth thing," Nico shouts while walking further off. Haedrig finally begins to rally his companions, Taegen and Arian to travel off in the distance.

I pick up my weary and old legs to trudge along the blistering desert. I never got the chance to visit any interesting places while I lived on Earth. I was born, grew up, and worked at that orphanage until I died. All of these beautiful sights I've been exposed to over the course of the past week have felt like a dream. I've seen sweltering deserts, frozen tundras, vast plains, and gorgeous meadows since we've been in this ethereal place. It's hard to believe some ancient race of people built these expansive and seemingly infinite rooms.

This world truly is nothing like Earth. I'm glad to have a second chance at life as well as have an important purpose like saving my surrogate children. I've been gifted with the slightest chance at saving Grey and Cecilia. I've been gifted with a chance at causing a butterfly effect that could bring peace to this world. What a wonderful chance.


It's been almost a full day since I got to spectate what was likely the most pivotal meeting in history. Arthur, Aldir, and Seris sat for hours discussing plans for the future. They spoke about Alacryan and Epeheotus rebellions, future meetings with prominent figures, and even plans for the restoration of the continents in the aftermath. I can't imagine that even the gatherings of the Eight Great clans of Epheotus have been as monumental.

When all of the talks ended, Aldir, Kordri, and Wren left for Epheotus to have further meetings with Lord Thyestes and Grandus. Given the absolute bombshell that Arthur dropped about the treachery of the Indrath clan, Aldir believes he can persuade the Phoenixes and Sylphs to help him dethrone Kezess. He seems to be confident. After Aldir left, Arthur trudged to his room to immediately go to sleep after the incessant talking. Seris remained in the meeting room to organize the butlers about the reconstruction of the wall Aldir and Arthur destroyed.

I took Boo and walked off with Cecilia who seemed to be internally conflicted.

"Hey, Cecilia. Are you okay?" I ask.

"I don't know. Her rage still bubbles over into my mind at even my own thoughts about Aldir. She was screaming at me to take Aldir's head as well as to slap Arthur silly for not doing it herself. I've never felt that rage even for myself," she replies.

"It's been so long since I've had the chance to speak to her. I watched it all happen. I watched Elenoir become a wasteland. I just watched the man who killed me talk to my brother for hours about strategy. For some reason, I couldn't even be mad at Aldir. I knew wholeheartedly that even if I was angry, I couldn't do anything about it. I'm powerless in the face of a 'deity,'" I explain.

We walk in silence for a moment on the way to our rooms. Fortunately, after the extensive discussions, Seris is having meals delivered to our rooms.

"I'm going to go and talk with my brother. He looks like he could use a pick-me-up. Care to come with me?" I ask when we get to the third-floor landing.

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