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Hello everyone, I wanted to say I appreciate you all for reading these silly and kind of cringe-worthy stories. However, this story is a very special one. A monstrously huge special shoutout to @19dkline for suggesting this series. Otherwise, I would've left it as a series of videos.

For context, on my YouTube channel, ZDG Studios, I made 4 videos about me remaking Ash Ketchum's Pokémon teams from the anime. Just so you know, if you don't like any of the changes I make to character personalities, roster alterations, etc., that's perfectly fine. Just don't harass me about it. Even Ash's friends get a bit of a revamp. I will add to this story when I am sure the chapters are good and ready. So, if you or someone you know loves Pokémon, let them know.

Thanks for reading this disclaimer, take care and enjoy the story as it comes out.

Pokémon Retold: Part 1 - The Indigo AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now