Chapter 18 - Scent of Gambling

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   It had been half a day after Ash had captured and added Mankey to his ensemble of Pokémon. He, Pikachu, Brock, and Misty arrived in Celadon City as the sun was setting. The lights were starting to come alive, showing the potential majesty of the city.
   "I can't wait to see this place at night," Misty said.
   "You're not the only one," Ash added with a smile.
   "Celadon is often called the cornerstone for Pokémon traveling," Brock explained. "There's plenty of shops, restaurants, and just about anything you could ask for."
   Ash and Misty were getting even more excited over the news now. However, the journey had left the group rather tired.
   "Why don't we head over to the Pokémon Center and rest a bit," Brock suggested.
   "Sounds great," Ash yawned.
   "I'm game for that," Misty added.
   As Misty stretched, an aroma came across her nose. She closed her eyes and began sniffing.
   "You guys smell that," asked Misty.
   Brock sniffed the air as well and reacted similarly to Misty. Ash on the other hand covered his nose in disgust and closed his eyes like someone was chopping onions.
   "What is that," Ash asked.
   "It...smells like..." Misty tried to piece the information together.
   She ran off to confirm her suspicions with Brock and Ash following.

   Misty ran toward the high street area, following the scent that attracted her. With Brck and Ash behind her, the trio found themselves in front of a store.
   "I knew it," Misty cheered before walking in.
   Brock followed with Ash bringing up the rear and was visibly uncomfortable. A young girl around Brock's age noticed and came up to the group. She wore a bright green uniform with a white pattern on the front
   "Welcome, welcome," she said brightly. "My name is Veronica, if you have any questions about our products, don't be afraid to ask."
   "Pleasure," Brock said with a slightly nervous face and soft blush.
   "Thank you, Veronica," Misty said with a large smile before she moved down the store as quick as a flash.
   Brock went at his own pace while Pikachu ran off without Ash, leaving the boy alone as he walked slower than the others.

   Misty was happier than the boys had ever seen her. She put a small bottle of each perfume she liked into a basket she found while looking around. Brock was not as hasty as Misty, thinking that his home could benefit from something like this. His struggle was with which scent Brock's siblings would all agree on. Ash's eyes were burning from the perfume vapors, and the smell was not helping his sensory overload.
   Just get me out of here, he told himself. Just get me out!
   Misty and Brock noticed Ash's behavior, confused as to why he was acting this way.
   "Is everything alright here," Veronica asked.
   "Never better," Misty smiled.
   "These perfumes are exquisite," Brock added. "How do you do all of this?"
   "Oh, I don't do it myself," Veronica answered. "I just sell them. They're made at the local gym."
"The gym," Ash inquired.
   "That's right," Veronica continued. "In fact, the gym leader herself also owns the store."
   "Um...d-do you know where the gym is," Ash asked.
   "Oh, it's in the center of the city," answered the store worker. "All roads in the city lead there. You can't miss it."
   "Thank you very much," Ash said with relief. "Come on Pikachu, let's rest up for the night."
   "Wait, aren't you gonna buy anything," Veronica asked. "we're struggling a little bit as is. Business is fading day by day."

   Ash stopped and his eyes widened, realizing what she was going through. He took in a deep breath but ended up coughing into his gloved hand.
   "I-I'm sorry..." Ash said with his back turned. "I can't."
   Ash left with Pikachu following him. Brock and Misty were admittedly shocked to see Ash up and leave while people were down on their luck. Brock took a breath and realized why he did this, unbeknownst to Misty or Veronica. The latter of whom was glaring at Ash. She turned her face to a more polite and friendly personality, serving Misty and Brock.


   The next day, Ash was feeling a little better than yesterday. Brock and Misty were gone from the room, most likely going around shopping. It was fine by Ash, so long as he did not need to go back to the perfume store. He grabbed his Pokéballs and went out to the outskirts of the city. Ash threw his Pokéballs in the air, releasing his Pokémon.
   "Okay guys," Ash said while stretching. "Our next gym challenge is in the city. I think we should take this opportunity to train a little more. Just to be on the safe side."
   Ash's Pokémon all cried out in agreeance with Ash gaining a large grin.
   "Let's go for it," he said.
   For most of the day, Ash trained his Pokémon for the upcoming battle. Pikachu was firing into the air at Pidgeotto who maneuvered through the air and avoided the electricity with grace and efficiency. Squirtle was practicing his aim with Water Gun, targeting trees. He was fast, but often missed, aggravating the turtle Pokémon.
   "Squirtle, just calm down," Ash said as he held the water type. "What's got you in a blind rage?"
   Squirtle closed his eyes and hung his head in shame, but it did not take Ash long to conclude.
   "Oh, I get it," he said. "You're still upset about Gary and his Wartortle? Don't worry big guy. We'll get a chance to battle them again, just wait and see."
   Squirtle smiled and nodded before practicing again with Water Gun.

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