Waiting Game

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Landon's POV...

This can't be happening. Where's my cell? Damnit! As soon as Levi vomited, he dropped to the floor and began having a seizure. The seizure didn't stop either until the paramedics arrived who knows how many minutes later. Everyone was freaking out, well mostly me. I didn't know what to do, especially when blood started pooling out of Levi's mouth. Derek rushed over and turned Levi onto his side while he was convulsing. "It's probably from him biting down on his tongue," Derek tells me. That didn't make me feel any better.

The paramedics inject something into Levi's leg which stops the seizure momentarily. They said he's breathing on his own and has a pulse, but he looks lifeless to me.

"He has a spinal cord injury," Derek tells the paramedics, so they take extra precautions securing his neck and back before getting him onto the gurney.

They ask us if he's taking any medications and none of us are aware that he is, except for me, and I'm not 100% sure what he's taken. "He might've taken one of these," I hand over one of the pills I found. "I found them while doing laundry the other day, I don't know what they are or if they are even his," I truthfully tell them.

"Thank you. The hospital will be able to figure out what it is, this helps," one of them says to me. I should've told Charlotte what I found last night, maybe this wouldn't have happened today.

Levi's phone had fallen out of his pocket, so I picked it up and used it to call Charlotte. I watch an oxygen mask be placed over Levi's mouth while I listen to the phone ring for the third time. "I thought you said he's breathing?" I quickly ask them. "It's just precautionary," one tells me.

"Levi? I haven't had my blood drawn yet, babe!" I hear Charlotte chuckle and the gut-wrenching guilt I'm feeling makes me want to hurl.

"Charlotte," my voice cracks through the phone and she instantly realizes something's wrong.

"Landon? What's wrong? Where's Levi?"

"Stay at the hospital Charlotte, meet us in the emergency room. We're on our way to you," I manage to say.

"Landon, don't hang up. Is Levi okay?"

"I...I...don't know." I can't stop the tears or feeling like I'm hyperventilating.

Derek grabs the phone from me and tells Charlotte that he's driving me over to the hospital to meet her there. Without getting into details, he tells her that Levi is breathing and he's in the ambulance now.

Derek hands me back the phone and I shove it into my pocket. "Let's go, they need you Landon," Derek says to me while pushing me towards the car.

Derek follows the ambulance and we're at the hospital within ten minutes. Charlotte's outside waiting for them to bring Levi into the emergency room. I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her shaking body.

"Oh my God!," Charlotte cries when she sees Levi's body convulsing on the gurney. "What happened?" She frantically asks. "He was fine this morning before I left."

We hear the paramedics tell the doctor that Levi has been seizing on the ride over and hasn't stopped.

Doctors and nurses wheel him away from us and it takes all my strength to hold Charlotte back. She begins hitting me while she's crying, and I let her.

Derek comes over to us and helps me guide Charlotte into a seat in the waiting area. I keep my arm tightly around her for comfort and just in case she tries to run from me.

"Someone please tell me what's going on."

Before I have a chance to explain, one of the paramedics is at the nursing station talking about a possible overdose. Charlotte's eyes go wide, she looks confused and pissed off at the same time.

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