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Levi's POV...

"Morning Love," I run my hand through Charlotte's long hair before kissing her forehead. I don't even recall hitting the pillow last night. When Landon returned, Charlotte and I were snuggled on the couch watching a movie. Her back was tight against my chest, my left leg draped over hers as my fingers absentmindedly brushed up and down her arm.

Landon stood with my new crutches in his hands giving us a puzzled stare. "Did you eat? I left a plate of food for you in the microwave," Charlotte tells him.

"Oh, uh, thanks," he mumbles. He's acting strange. "You good mate?" I ask him. Landon shakes his head like he's trying to forget whatever he was daydreaming about. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Um I'll just leave these here." He places the crutches by the coffee table and goes into the kitchen to warm up his plate of food.

"Charlotte?" Landon tentatively speaks again. I'm not sure if I should ask him why he's being so weird tonight. "Yes Landon? Is the food okay?" Charlotte responds to him.

"It's good yeah, um...forget it, I'm going to call it a night. Been a long day." We hear him clear his plate and watch him walk to his bedroom.

"Landon? Are you free tomorrow morning to take Levi to PT? I have my bloodwork at the same time?"

"Of, Course, yeah. See you both in the morning then," he says before closing his door.

"We'll have to inquire about his strange mood tomorrow," Charlotte chuckles.

"You noticed that too?"

"Your best friend isn't known to be shy or quiet. I'm glad he brought the crutches though, let's try them out," she says to me.

I made it to our bedroom without a hitch and as soon as I hit the pillow and felt Charlotte's arms sneak around my body, I was out like a light.

Now, It's morning like these that I curse at my body. Charlotte's lying next to me looking so peaceful. My fingers gently caressing her cheek to wake her up and wishing that I could get out of bed with her and walk behind her to the bathroom, giving her a teasing slap on her firm bum, watching her squirm as she playfully slaps me back. How I long for that simple morning routine that most people take for granted.

Instead, I wait for her to wake up so we can begin a different routine, one that unfortunately has become a necessity, otherwise there are painful consequences to pay...literally.

"Morning handsome," she smiles. Her hand reaching up so she can run her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer so she can kiss me. Neither of us care to notice our morning breath. Brushing our teeth will need to wait a bit.

"How did you sleep?" I ask her, because I slept like a rock for once.

"I slept great," she kneels up beside me which is my cue to roll over onto my stomach. She straddles herself over my back without applying any of her weight onto me and begins kneading her fingers near my lower spine. The pressure of her hands feel good against my tight muscles. One thing we've learned together is that my muscles and nerves don't exactly like moving on their own after sleeping for so many hours. If I were to try to get out of bed without Charlotte massaging and stretching my muscles first, I'd have debilitating spasms...hence why this is now our normal morning routine.

Her hands move up my back and she startles me by trailing her lips down my neck and kissing my shoulder blades. "Mmm,"I can't suppress the moan that escapes me. "Is this a new stretch?" I tease. "Mmm hum," she continues planting soft kisses until goose bumps spread across my skin.

"Are these stretches helping?" she kisses my neck one more time. "Yes, I'd say they are," I smile to myself, fully appreciating how she makes this morning chore feel more intimate.

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