Chapter 17 Getting a Big Toy.

Start from the beginning

"Oh no your grace it's ok." She said. "I'm more than angered they dare attack you so openly." She replied. "We should get going" you nodded agreeing with her as you two froze on the spot. Right next to you was the other ruin gaurd. You mentally slapped yourself how could you forget there was a ruin gaurd here?!

"Found them" you heard as you two jumped from seeing the lector next to you.

"You have no were to run" you looked to see Lumine on the other side. Infront you saw her ruin gaurd block you. You were trapped. Lumine and the lector on both sides. And ruin gaurds infront and back. "You know for what you are or supposed to be this was ridiculously easy to do." The abyss princess said.

"I won't let you harm her!" Ayaka said taking out her weapon. "She is my friend!"

"My fight not with you." The blonde said. "But if you don't want to hand her over then dont blame me for this." She said as the ruin gaurd once again readied itself to launch rockets. You tighten your fists you were really getting angry now.

"I'm really getting annoyed at this" you said angry as you reached into your pocket and felt it empty. "What the -"

"Looking for this?" The lector said holding up a whistle. "I'm afraid you wont be calling your pet to save you."

"Dont worry Y/N I'll make sure you won't get hurt!" Ayaka said ready to fight.

"No" you said as you put her behind you. "I'll be damned if you get caught up in this."

Ayaka wanted to protest but she saw the anger in your eyes. She looked all over to see what she can do then saw. The gaurd behind them. It was starting to move.

"You really going to far over nothing Lumine!" You said angry as you saw the ruin gaurd infront of you ready to launch rockets.

"My brother is not nothing!! Fire!" She yelled back angry as she saw the rockets launch at you. She saw them explode as the black cloud covered the sight of you two. Hearing nothing she looked content. Til the smoke cleared. Her eyes widen as she saw a ruin gaurd infront of you two clearly being the one who blocked the rockets. She saw you were behind with the shield up hugging the other girl close.

You held Ayaka close then looked to see the robot infront of you. "The ruin gaurd from behind us?" You asked and you looked to see nothing behind you.

"It moved and jumped infront of us." Ayaka said having witnessed it. You saw it move again this time attacking the other ruin gaurd effectively defeating it.

"How did you-" Lumine said as she opened a portal to escape. "Nevermind it seems I have to retry another time."

"Oh now you don't!" You yelled as you summoned lighting blocking her. You got ready to summon more as Ayaka yelled at you to watch out. You looked to see the lector attack you as you blocked it. Taking the chance Lumine escaped. Seeing the abyss princess escaped it quickly turned to leave but you had other plans.

"Like hell your leaving with my whistle!" You said as you tackled it down and used electric power to shock it til it went limp.

"Y/n!" Ayaka ran over to you as the portal closed. "Are you alright??" She asked worried.

"Yes. I think I stunned this one." You said as you quickly retrieved your whistle. You stood up watching the koed lector. The robot took a step to you and reached out to grab the lector keeping it firmly grasped in its hand. "a friendly ruin gaurd. How nice" you said as you noticed the light which were usually bright red now a soft gentle blue. You could only imagine why it did such a thing. But all you know it protected you and Ayaka, seems to follow you around and that was good enough for you.

"Let's head back Ayaka." You said as she nodded. You two started walking back but you noticed her tired shape. "Wait." You said. "Ruin gaurd your other arm." It lowered it to you as you gently motioned Ayaka to sit on it. You sat next to her. "Take us there." You pointed to Ayakas home as it followed your orders.


"My Grace isn't home.. why isn't she back?!" Zhongli asked pacing back and forth in your room. He been waiting for you as his new present was ready. He stopped and layed in your bed using your sent to calm himself from going out and finding you.

"Our grace is taking her sweet time isn't she?" Scaramouche said.

"Oh calm down. I know you want her here again but let her have some fun." Kaeya said amused. "But I'll admit she would have much more fun if I was with her"

"I think you would be the one having all the fun." Diluc said crossing his arms. "I don't trust you being alone with her grace."

"Oh likewise. Don't be acting all high and mighty I know you have the same thoughts too" Kaeya said annoyed as Diluc looked away annoyed.

"Unlike you. I do respect her space and dont climb into her bed when she asleep like all of you!" Diluc said annoyed.

"Oh we just have the guts to do something your too scared to do!" Scaramouche shot back.

"Our grace is not an object treat her with respect." Xiao said standing next to Diluc supporting him.

"Enough arguing." Albedo said as they looked at him. "our grace will be angry to see us fighting among ourselves when it was we who decided on being all together."

"Mr Chief Alchemist is right." Kaeya said. "We need to show our grace we can get along amongst us."

"I still miss her" Aether said sadden.

"Don't worry!" Paimon said happy next to him. "She will be back. Paimon knows she won't leave"

"...yeah.." Aether said as he gave a small smile thinking about how you always were there. "She won't leave me."

"You mean us!" Paimon said happy as Aether laughed happy.

"Yes that's right. Us." He said happy as Paimon hugged him as he hugged her back happy.


"Oh my Archons!! What happened!?" Thoma asked panicked upon seeing the sight before him.

"I'm back Thoma" Ayaka said with a smile as the ruin gaurd let you both down gently.

"I can explain everything. But first.. can you send for my group?" You said to Thoma. The housekeeper looked at you worried. Your nice and tidy outfit now all full of dirt and tears. His lady outfit in the same state. But most of all seeing the gaint machine and what appeared to be passed out person type thing was what really worried him.

"Of course your grace." Thoma said. "I'll call them right away" you thanked him.

You saw him quickly take Ayaka inside the residence as you stayed outside the gates. The gaurds there were in awe seeing you with the gaint robot. "It's ok it won't hurt you." You assured them as they nodded trusting your word. 'Oh boy.. I bet the guys are going to flip when they hear this.' you thought to yourself as you looked at the robot. 'Still.. I always did want a gaint robot. Like in the movies.' you smiled to yourself 'so cool! I have a robot! Wait..' you thought thinking about something. 'does this mean.. I can manipulate any ruin gaurds? Or machines for that matter?? Being the so called creator technically anything is possible for me..' you looked at the robot again. 'Guess there much more to learn about what I can do'

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