Sika Deer

41 10 14

Suggested listening: Lana Del Rey - Born To Die

-Tea again? I appreciate your concern, but I fear I'm going to drown in tea.

-Don't be overdramatic. Tea can't hurt you. Drink up.

-Yeah, I'd kill for a soda right now.

-Not really the healthiest option.

-Did you ever have fun as a child, Jin?

-Of course. I used to train with mother all the time. Best time of my life, except for, well, other kind of training.- he smiled.

-Not what I meant, but... ah, you're impossible. I bet you didn't even cry when you were born. You just gave the nurse your death stare.

-I don't have a death stare.

-And I don't have a cock. C'mon, Jin. The only person who hasn't seen it... yet, is Eun-Jung. Speaking of whom, is she okay? Did she eat already? Did you change her? Is she sleep...

-Hey, papa-anxiety, everything is in order. She's sleeping now. I told her her favourite story.

-The one where you stop bringing me tea every other hour?

-No, smartass, the one where her papas beat The Darkness together and keep her safe.

-The Darkness... what is it?

-Your alcoholism. My Devil. 

-Which we're... trying to retrieve?

-What I mean is, the Devil trying to take control of me.

-Makes sense. It's a good story. Let's hope reality meets the expectations.

-It will, my love, you'll see. 

The day went on quite anonymously, with Hwoarang in bed regaining some strength from the session of the day before, and Jin happily taking care of Eun-Jung and his fiancé. He felt content with a house life like that, without contracts and meetings and all the politics that came with being CEO of the most powerful company in all of Japan. He knew he could never sell the Mishima Zaibatsu, but he was thinking of sharing the workload with someone else, someone he could trust. But who could he trust, that was the question...

He looked carefully at Eun-Jung once again, as he often did; she seemed to grow day by day, and everyday more she looked like Hwoarang. He giggled at the idea of her with red hair. He thought about all the mistakes that her papas had done in their lives, and he wondered if she would be a better person as a grownup. Or rather... an easier one, less problematic. He wanted the best life possible for her, but would they be able to give the best example as fathers? She would have a hard enough times growing up with two fathers in a country where same sex couples were not recognised as such yet, no need to add family drama to that. They had a huge responsibility towards her, and he felt it all inside his heart. 



-I'd love to take a walk in the forest with you two. Breathe some fresh air. I'm already sick and tired of staying in bed.

-You've been in bed five hours.

-Five wasted hours. C'mon, let's go out.

Jin sighed; he knew there was no way to win this. -Fine. The moment your head spins, we're coming back.

-Yes, daddy.

Jin shook his head, fetching Eun-Jung's bag. -You coming? We're ready.

-Me too. Let me kiss this beauty here, first.

He gave a sweet kiss to his daughter, smiling fondly at her and caressing her chubby cheek. She shrieked and made some senseless noises, looking very amused at her father. 

-Now, let me kiss this other beauty.

Hwoarang kissed Jin slowly, but not innocently; the Korean's tongue opened Jin's mouth and searched for Jin's tongue, running in circles around it and demanding more action. The Japanese, on his part, didn't resist the offense and gave in to this unexpected steamy kiss. Eun-Jung started happily and loudly laughing, and that kind of ruined the moment, with the two ending up laughing as well. She was always cheerful when they kissed or hugged.

And out in the forest they went. It was a sunny but breezy day, the perfect combo for a walk in the wilderness. It was peaceful, quite silent if not for the birds chirping and the sounds of various animals moving between the trees. Eun-Jung was amazed by a beautifully coloured butterfly. They walked for more than an hour into the forest, enjoying the fresh air and the absence of human presence. It was their safe place, their hiding spot when the outside world was too much. Jin was holding Eun-Jung with a swaddling cloth, leaving both his arms free. They loved carrying her like that, it felt more natural and intimate, and she seemed to like it more than staying in their arms.

The animal sounds from the trees were suddenly a little too loud for the men's liking. There seemed to be something big moving out there, and with the baby with them, they wouldn't want to risk it. They only talked through their eyes, though, not to attract any unwanted attention on them. They turned around to get back, when suddenly a loud bang filled the air. 

Nothing moved anymore. No bird chirped, no animal walked between the trees. Only the sound of the breeze filled the air. Until a man in mimetic clothing jumped out of a bush.

-Did I catch it? Did I hit it?

-Did you hit what?- asked Hwoarang.

-The Sika deer! I was following it and I lost it, then I heard a sound and I shot at it without even looking...


-I... I don't... I'm not injured...

Jin and Hwoarang looked at one another in absolute, silent horror. Jin touched the spot where the blood was spilling. It was Eun-Jung.

They were at an hour from the house. Even if they ran like never before in their lives, she would never make it. Not with a blood loss like that. Hwoarang lifted the hunter up from the collar.

-Do you have a car?

-I... I have one, fifteen minutes from here. Oh God, I didn't think it was humans, I thought-

-DON'T TALK! Save your breath for the run we're going to make. Take us to your car, now.

They ran like the wind, their hearts in their throats, trying not to think at the worst outcome of the situation they were in. They finally arrived at the car. Eun-Jung was breathing, but not moving.

-I'm driving.- said Hwoarang.

-But my car...

-It wasn't a question. Hop in, we don't have time to lose!

The Korean sped like never in his life, running some red lights and breaking several laws on his way to the hospital. When they arrived, he had Eun-Jung in his arms and was full of blood, as was Jin. They purposedly brought the hunter with them.

-My daughter was shot! Please, she's dying, help her!

A team arrived almost immediately and brought Eun-Jung away in code red. Hwoarang was asked to fill some form, even though he could barely remember how to spell his name, then the three of them were left to wait. After a while, a doctor came out and went straight to Hwoarang.

-You're the father?

-Yes. Please, tell me she's going to make it.

-It's a desperate situation, Sir. We are doing our best. I hate to tell you this, but you should prepare for the worst. I will keep you up to date.

-No... I can't... I can't lose her.

-We will do anything in our power.

The doctor went away, Hwoarang glided down the wall, shaking, keeping his head in his hands, while Jin sat on the floor beside him, crying silently at the thought of losing the only pure thing life had offered him in all these years.

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