Chapter 18. J + E

Start from the beginning

He speedwalks away, awkwardly.

" I.. uh got my own dish while you guys were finishing up. " Everett chuckles.

" He seems nice. "

" Yeah, he's a fun guy when you get to know him. Charlie is lucky, but I hit the 'jackpot over here.' " I found that shit funny so I laughed.

We begin to eat, the table slowly filling itself, and people begin talking to Everett about werewolf stuff.

It's been long since we both finished, Everett still chatting.

Reminds me of when mom would run into a friend at the store..

Mom. What would she be doing right now? Cleaning so much to distract her from her own thoughts? Or drinking several glasses of wine a day? Im not sure. Her bad coping methods change over time. Maybe she's doing both.

Thinking about mom tired me out some, I rest my head on Everett's shoulder.

If mom is doing bad, then what would dad be doing? I think he's acting like he's fine and helping mom, but he's going to start crying one day, and when he starts, he doesn't stop for a long time. Just imagining his crys day in day out makes me sick to my stomach.

After thinking for a while, my eyes close, and I fall asleep on Everett's shoulder. The rest of the pack awwing quietly, as to not awaken me.

○°• Everett's POV •°○

Shorty after Jamie fell asleep on me, the inescapable bitching from the whiney deltas slowly cease, not wanting to wake the human, mate or not.

I'm not sure what it is about humans. Every werewolf I know (including me) find humans adorable. Maybe it's their inability to protect themselves without fancy machines, or their inescapable clumsiness that they always get embarrassed over.

I don't know, but having Jamie asleep on my shoulder gives me the perfect excuse to leave this damn room.

I pick him up bridal style, and walk out. I catch Oliver's red, swollen eyes looking at me from the kitchen.

Find someone else to obsess about, Bitch! Sebastian says, rather rudely what I was thinking.

As I begin to walk upstairs, Jamie begins stirring, and slowly opens his eyes, and looks up at me. His lips form a small smile. Whether he realizes it or not, the mating has taken effect of him.

" You done yapping? Yeh? " He asks me, sleepily.

I chuckle, finding him adorable.

" Come on, Bunny let's get you to bed."

I open the door, Mochi begining his song of his people to alert us of our presence.

" Awe baby Mochi.. " My love says, still sleepy tired.

I sit him on the bed, his short lil legs dangling off the edge, and his back falls back onto the mattress.

I put my first two fingers in the waistband of his pants.

" I consent to a search, Officer. " Jamie says, more awake now.

I chuckle, removing his shorts, showing his creamy thick thighs to the world. Then, I take his arms which were laying limply at his sides and put them above his head, and remove his shirt.

Can't we just mark him now? Look at that skin! It's begging to be marked!
Sebastian yells in my mind, pushing to take control.

Down, Sebastian. I say, getting him to drop, but begin growling because he's a baby.

I hear small whimpers and see Jamie still in his underwear, so his skin has formed bumps from the cool air of my room.

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