"And now he wants to move to Perth. To Perth!" He spits the last to words like they're venom, heaving in a breath and pulling his hands away from his face so his forehead can rest on my shoulder. "I should be overjoyed for my brilliant boyfriend who will surely accomplish great things but the only thing I can think about is that he'll accomplish them without me. There's no place for me. Am I too self-centered and a fucking lunatic for thinking this way?"

Rubbing his back soothingly, I shake my head. "No, you're not. You just don't want to lose him or be separated."

He blows a sigh through his nose. "That's not it. I- fuck, I hate that he's already achieved more than I ever will."

Pulling back, I guide him to sit on one of the sofas. "Are you jealous?" I carefully inquire, not wanting to set him off.

Hanging his head between his shoulders and slumping forward to rest his elbows on his knees, he sighs. "Yes."

"But you still can achieve things," I tell him, sitting next to him and taking his hand.

"Have you seen my grad certificate?" He grimaces. "And I haven't done anything since graduating high school. I didn't apply for higher education or trainings, and I didn't even dare to apply for university with those grades. I..." he trails off, groaning again.

"I didn't go to university either," I supply clumsily because I'm bad at consoling someone. "I barely finished high school."

"But you were already busy making big bucks surfing because you have shit talent! You have a career. I don't."

Feeling the big sister energy materializing, I prompt, "And whose fault is that?"

I brace for a detonation but get a deflation instead. His shoulders sag even more and he gives me a side-glance that tells me I hit a raw nerve. "You're right. Mom always tells me to grow up and get a job."

I nod, guilt creeping up my spine. The last year of high school, when his grades really mattered, I had the crisis of life crisis wreaking havoc in my life. I played the dominant role in our little family of three for a while when mom tried to support me emotionally as best as she could and I'm afraid Luke's grades got sidelined in the process.

Not knowing what else to say that could help, I drape my arm around him and lean back on the couch and just hold him. He snuggles against my shoulder and hugs me tight. I close my eyes and sigh. "You'll figure something out," I finally pop out just when the cabin's front door flies open and Mason strolls in, his smile faltering when he sees us.

His brows pull together instantly and my heart makes jump when he assesses me, worry flicking over his sharp face.

I shake my head and nod my chin discreetly at my brother. Mason's frown deepens and he mouths "what happened?"

Because I can't shake my head I close my eyes, hoping it's answer enough for him.

Since Mason's booming entrance was unmistakable, Luke slowly peels himself off me and wipes the back of his hand over his eyes. "Hi Mason."

"Hey man."

Shifting uncomfortably, Mason rakes a hand through his hair and averts his eyes. He huffs, clamps his lips together and walks backwards to his room, hitting the doorframe with his shoulder in the process. Stifling a groan, his eyes flick back to us.

Luke clears his throat. "Say, did you go to university?"

Mason's eyes grow big. "Me?"

"Do you see someone else in the room?" my brother shoots back, wincing at the sharpness of his own tone. "Sorry."

Waves - Book #2 [completed]Where stories live. Discover now