꒰ ❛ Chapter 10 ❜ ꒱

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(Mentions of toxic relationships so please use caution when reading or skip if need to. Just know that Yeonjun was in a toxic relationship before and it make it hard for him to commit with his feelings for Soobin)

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Yeonjun's POV

Before anyone could say anything or even take a breath. Beomgyu spat his wine all over my living room table. A whole mouthful of wine all over my table because of Beomgyu.

"BEOMGYU!" I yell in shock. "What the hell! You couldn't just swallow? My poor table." I pout and get up to grab paper towels to clean up the mess Beomgyu just made all over my poor table.

I hear Beomgyu coughing as he's probably trying to recover from spitting out his whole drink. "Deserved" I say to him with a disgusted look on my face.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just shocked that's all." He says trying to defend himself as he starts helping me clean his mess. After cleaning up the mess we go back to where we were sitting before on my couch.

"Ok maybe you shouldn't drink anymore wine while we continue talking." I say jokingly, making myself laugh as the anger I had is gone.

"Ok ok no more wine for now."Beomgyu says raising his hands in a sign of defeat. "Now back to the main point on why I'm here in the first place. SOOBIN." He adds excitingly almost jumping on the couch while he's sitting like a puppy would.

"Yes, Soobin, him, yeah." I murmured because of how nervous I was. I forgot how nosey Beomgyu was and all the information I was gonna have to share. The embarrassment I was gonna feel as when telling Beomgyu everything. Maybe it's not too late to back out of this.

"Yeonjun your gonna have to talk about your feelings about Soobin sooner or later. It's okay if your starting to like him. To start trusting someone like that again. It's okay to feel this way towards Soobin. He's a different person from who you used to date okay? Soobin isn't that type of person he won't hurt you like that." Beomgyu says with a comforting smile moving closer to me offering cuddles while I try talking my feelings out. "Just talk when your ready no rush Yeonjun." Beomgyu added as he held me tight which felt so nice to know he was here for me.

I take a few breaths and prepare myself for this.

"It was from the beginning really. When we went to Crown Cafe before school started. He was working and I ordered a coffee and then we locked eyes and Beomgyu." I turn to face him from my spot on his shoulder. "He looked so eternal like he was right out of a book or something. I couldn't believe he was real. And then he had such an adorable smile. Beom I couldn't believe how amazing he looked when he smiled. His eyes lit up and everything!I swear to god Beomgyu their were stars in his eyes." I continued to talk and talk about Soobin. I couldn't help myself there was just so much about him I just liked so much.

Like when we went to the movies that Soobin bought tickets to, and our seats were conjoined. So we got to cuddle while watching this comedy movie. It was like heaven the whole time. Especially when Soobin got closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I layed my head on his shoulder. I only we brought a blanketwhat i it would have been even better.

Then there was this other time that it was pouring out I mean like it like a huge rainfall. So we stayed indoors in my apartment and had another movie night. Soobin even bought me mint chocolate ice cream on his way here. Even though he despites the flavor he still got it for me. The night we played card games and just talked and talked all night long till the sub starting to rise.

Being with Soobin felt eternal like time had stopped and it was just the two of us. I want nothing more to just have that all day everyday with him. Though what if he doesn't feel the same? Or what if it's too fast for us?

"Yeonjun" I turn my head to face Beomgyu after being in deep thought for too long to go unnoticed. Beomgyu took both of my hands onto his looking me straight in my eyes.

"What your ex did to you was horrible, terrible. Lying, cheating, manipulating, everything it was all wrong and toxic. Making you think your unlovable, everything alwaysbwas your fault even if you had no connection to the problem, and degrade you for years. I know it was hard for you to speak up about it and get help and get out of that relationship. To recover was even harder for you as well and I was and will always be there for you as your moving on from it. I could only imagine what it's like to try and move on from such relationship." Beomgyu continued to say as I started to shed a few tears. While Beomgyu takes one of his hands wiping the tears as they fall.

"It must be scary and nerve wracking to fall for someone again and to put yourself out there like that. But just know it's okay to feel like this. To start falling for someone again and I'll be here with you every step of the way okay? I'm not gonna let you go through something like that again I promise." and with that both Beomgyu and I were crying in each other's arms.

After letting out tears and cuddling more I was the first one to speak.

"It's not that I'm scared Soobin is like my ex." he started out taking slow but deep breaths. "It's just that I'm scared that if it's too soon to start feeling this way about Soobin. I mean I still barely know him. It's out been 2 months since we met. I just don't want Soobin to be like a rebound from my last relationship."

"Oh Yeonjun" Beomgyu began before i cut him off. "I mean it Beoms. What if these feelings are temporary because it's the first time I've felt this way in the long time? What if I'm just subconsciously trying to force myself to like Soobin because of how loving and nice he is? I don't want for Soobin be deserves more than that. I just don't know how I 100% sure feel about him. I want to be sure that I like Soobin for Soobin but because he's better then my ex or something. I want it to be for Soobin no other reason. I'm sorry is this confusing?" I ranted out just needing to get all of these thoughts and questions out of my head. Luckily Beomgyu was there to take it all in.

"No it's okay it's okay. I understand where your coming from." Beomgyu says as he pats Yeonjun head before Yeonjun starts crying again. "What happened in the past will stay in the past. What's going on now is what's important. Just remember that not everyone you like will be like him Yeonjun. There are good people in this world and Soobin is one of them. If you wanna slow things down with him then do it. I'm sure Soobin is oblivious enough to not notice a difference. Just remember Yeonjun just do what your comfortable doing and don't let anyone push you to do something that you don't want to do, okay?" Beomgyu finished saying looking at me for any sign of agreement which I gave him a nod, cuddling more into him.

"Thank you Beomie" I said into his chest. "Anytime Yeonjun I'm your best friend and I'll always be here for you." Beomgyu replied.

By the time we finished talking about everything it was already dark out. Which was surprising as I didn't think we were talking for that long. I was more then exhausted and I didn't even want to think about going to school tomorrow either.

Beomgyu and I eventually got up from the couch and went to my bed to sleep for the night before out classes. Which again didn't even want to think about them.

"Because I can read your mind. Stay home tomorrow I'll take notes for you and have Soobin take notes for your chemistry class." Beomgyu said as we layed in my bed.

"Really?" I said trying not to break into tears again. I was really lucky to have a friend like Beomgyu even if he can be a brat.

"Yes, just relax for now and tomorrow." Beomgyu sheepishly said. "Now sleep I still have to go to school tomorrow." he said before trying to drift off into sleep.

Though I couldn't fall asleep as easily as Beomgyu did. My mind still wondered about everything going on. The past, Soobin, the talk I just had with Beomgyu, school everything was still going through my mind. I couldn't calm down my thoughts.

So I just stayed awake for hours thinking and thinking. Did I really like Soobin? Or was I attracted to him because of how kind-hearted and genuine he was with me? Would he even feel the same for me?

The more I was thinking the worst I felt. Why did my mind have to keep me awake? I just wanna sleep and eventually I did after all of the mind games I battled with. I finally rested next to Beomgyu, shut my eyes and slept the night away.

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