꒰ ❛ Chapter 3 ❜ ꒱

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Yeonjun's POV~

"Beomgyu" I call out as I see him enter the cafe looking for me. "Yeonjun!" He yells back as walks over to me and sits down across from me. Beomgyu and I have been friends for years, decades even, childhood friends. Our parents were close when we were friends and we just always stayed in contact even if our parents didn't.

Besides being my best friend he's also felt like a brother to me to Kai too. Beoms been here for me since I could remember, same goes for me to him. Even when I went through my first relationship and even worst of a breakup. He was there for me when I needed someone the most. I don't know where I would be without him.

My first real relationship was absolutely horrible and it's hard to just even remind myself what happened. Though when Beomgyu found out about it he didn't hesitate to come over and comfort me day and night till I felt better. He took care of me a lot and looks out for me since then. We've also grown closer and to a new understanding of one another. Sometimes words don't have to be said between us to know what the other is thinking.

We sit and chit chat on and off. I eventually go back to sketching in my sketchbook. While Beomgyu is on his phone scrolling through some social media app.

"Yeonjun?" Beomgyu calls out in a soft tone.

"Yeah Beoms what's up?" I respond.

"Have you heard what people are saying about you now?" Beomgyu states.

"Yes, that I'm a bitch because I rejected this guy who was too forward with me and was a prev and disgusting. Like why are they just going off of his side of the story and not mine?" I say starting to get angry. "Like first everyone thinks I'm hot and talented and all of that. Approach me and try to get with me for what Gyu? To just show off they can get someone like me? It's horrible how people act these days. I just wish people understood that some people don't want to just fool around with others." Beomgyu can see how angry I start to get and reaches out to hold my hand for comfort.

At school, I do get a lot of attention and seem popular among the students. Though that doesn't mean I have to act all snobby like I'm an attention-seeker. Though with time I'm sure the rumours will go down eventually. I just happen to be this week's 'hot topic'. This isn't the first time this has happened as well to me. Though eventually things will calm down and everyone will forget about it.

I don't even understand the point of making such rumours anyway. Just because I gather people's attention and people seem to like me. Why do I have to like them all back? When they just like the idea of me and not me, the real me. It's frustrating and hurts honestly. It feels as though my true self isn't good enough for anyone to be friends with or love.

"I know Jun, and next week is the first week of the new semester and it's gonna be all that people are going to be talking about. I just wanted you to know about it beforehand." Beomgyu grabs both of my hands across the table in an effort to comfort me again.

"I appreciate it Beoms. I just hate how school hasn't even started yet and there's already a stupid rumour going around." I let out a sign and Beomgyu just gives me comfort as I continue to feel irritated by all of this.

We go back doing our own thing. Beomgyu is on his phone scrolling through something. While I resume sketching in my sketchbook. I've been doing rough sketches for future paintings for the upcoming semester. Trying to get ideas out before I could potentially get artist block, which is the worst thing someone with an art major can get.

During my first and second semester as a freshman I got artist block a lot and struggled doing my art projects. It was scary cause it never happened to me before. The stress of college and all of my assignments had gotten to me which caused the art block. Since then I've tried to sketch out any and all ideas I have whatever they were. In hopes I could use it for a future project and as a backup just in case I got artist block again.

It's dark out now which hints that we've been sitting talking for way too long. This usually happens to us, time getting away without us realizing it.

"I still can't believe your gonna be abandoned me in ONLY 1 CLASS BEOMS!! WE COULD HAVE HAD THE SAME SCHEDULE INSTEAD!!" I say abruptly and dramatically, the cafe is mostly empty besides one other table of three friends.

"Yeonjun calm down, your being over dramatic again.... but what surprise that is" Beomgyu scoffs while rolling his eyes. Purposely lowering his voice on the last part. "But that's not the point. Hyung it's really not THAT bad and if I don't like the Mr. Min I'll switch over..... hopefull.  I promise though I'll like reroll into another class or something. I'll make it work."

"I know, Beom, I know" I say in an apologetic voice. He was taking some harder classes this year so I can't blame him for dying down on one class where he could.  "You know how I get when I'm alone in classes without you. I'm just getting nervous that's all."

"Yeonjun," Beomgyu reaches out for my hand and places his on top of mind. "We are in our junior year of university and no one has done any of that bullshit those people did back in high school okay? People here aren't like that. You know that. Everything will be okay, I promise. Plus everyone here thinks you're pretty attractive and just like starting stupid ass rumours. They have nothing on you they probably are jealous of how amazing you are. Because there's nothing wrong with you. Okay?" Beomgyu looks me in my eyes to make sure his message was sent completely through to me.

"Yes Beoms, I know it's not like high school here. I just still get nervous once in a while that's all. It's different here, people, classes etc. I know." I say breaking the eye contact between us.

"Alright, it's pretty late so let's head back and call it a night." Beomgyu suggests. I agree and we grab our things and head home.

Before we walked out the door I quickly try, hoping sneakily too, to grab a glance at that employee one more time. Though he was nowhere to be seen. I let out a sigh and try to drag out leaving, hoping he would return. Though he never did, I let it go and walk out. I catch up to Beomgyu and we both walk home.

(a/n) ~ I'm sorry if things sound confusing I promise it'll all make sense soon. I hope your enjoying this so far ^_^

Constellations in Your Eyes | YEONBIN Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora