Lancers vs Academia 2: The Knight and Clown Desperate Stand!

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"Hey, wait!"

Edo called at her and briefly considered chasing her, but couldn't very well leave the unconscious boy, who was probably the Yugo Kaito had mentioned, lying around like this. As such, he kneeled next to him and began checking him for signs of any injuries.

"It's a shame that Edo Phoenix's sudden appearance prevented my little puppet from finishing her former friend off." Doktor, who was observing the situation from the monitors inside his lab, remarked thus with a sinister smile on his face. "Still, this most recent experiment has proven that the effectiveness of my Parasite Fusioner and the absolute control it exerts over its victims is beyond a shadow of a doubt, well except the first who aburply destroyed the parasite. Do these results satisfy you, Professor?"

"Keeping the girls subdued and obedient through the use of your parasites is certainly a noteworthy achievement." Leo, whose face was projected on one of the holographic scenes surrounding the lab, commented. "Even so, I urge you to be extremely careful with them, Doktor. These girls are vital to the success of the Arc Area Project, which is why they must not be harmed in any manner or fall into the hands of our enemies. And for Serena's case, keep her in her current state since your parasite is unaffected at her."

"And that's exactly why I implanted the Parasite Monsters in their brains." Doktor said. "Not only does that give them the means to defend themselves, they are also instilled with absolute loyalty towards Academia. There is no need to worry, Professor, Serena is under the perfect hand. My Parasite Monsters are nearly perfect, and the data I will gather from all these Duels will improve their capabilities even further for sure. And with the perfect plan that I created, Kuroba Mizael will be no more."

Behind the bug lover, Serena struggling to escape from her bounds. Her hand is tied on her back, her body and legs is tied on the chair. Her mouth is gagged with a tape since she always screaming and that annoyed the bug lover.

"There's no need for struggle, Miss Serena." The bug lover said with sinister smirk. "You'll got the VIP seat to watch your dearest boyfriend suffered to death."

"HMMMPH!" She mumbled on her gag. "Mizael, please don't come here! Please!"

Meanwhile, Edo was busy trying to make Yugo regain consciousness. His efforts were rewarded a few seconds later as the Synchro Duelist groaned and slowly opened his eyes while mumbling something that was incomprehensible to Edo.

"It looks like you're awake." Edo commented. "Are you unharmed?"

"Who the hell are you?!" Yugo shouted as he shot upwards. "Are you Academia?!"

"Not anymore." Edo responded. "I'm Edo Phoenix, Yuya and Kurosaki's comrade."

"Yuya's comrade, you say?" Yugo calmed down upon hearing the familiar name. "And that Kurosaki fellow from the Friendship Cup is here, huh? Are Yuya's other friends and he here as well?"

"They must be on their way here if they haven't arrived at this place already." Edo said. "As for Kurosaki, he's headed to the top of the West Tower to save his sister. You're Yugo, right? Kaito told me you came here to rescue a girl named Rin."

"That's right." Yugo nodded. "I tried to rescue Rin, but she...she's changed. She's not the Rin I knew anymore..."

"That's because she's being controlled." Edo stated. "Both she and Ruri. When Kaito anf the guy named Yuto tried to rescue Ruri, she pushed him off the top of the tower. I assume something similar happened to you as well?"

"Controlled..." Yugo muttered and then abrupt grabbed Edo's shoulders. "I see! This must be that damn bug's doing!"

"Bug?" Edo narrowed his eyes. "You say a bug is responsible for controlling the girls?"

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