The Phantom of Dancingness!

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One still has no idea where she's going. The only thing she saw was trees, trees, and grass. Every step she took, she repeated only these two words: "For Two, for Two, for Two..." A small habit picked up from Two which he called 'Tap-walking' (reference from TooShyForWriting). She was very determined to somehow save Two. Well, she did get jump-scared by a ghost, but ended up asking for directions. 

A familiar 'tut-tut' and a 'tap-tap' echoed into the forest, getting louder and louder. Next was a different voice, singing some gibberish like a warm up. 

"Ba-la-da, da da! Ba-pa-da, doo da! La-ta-ta doo da, dee da, dee! Yahoo!" 

Hiding behind the tree, One thought the 'tut-tut' and the 'tap-tap' was some murderer doing whatever murderer stuff. But after their little vocal dance, One didn't hesitate and ran up to who it was.

"Ten!" Though One was not a block anymore, she'd be glowing so much she would blind you. Though it has only been 10 minutes since Two has been taken away, One leaped onto Ten like she had been in a desert and found an oasis. 

"Oh hi, One!" Ten yells out a little 'oof' and rubs her hands onto One's head. 

"Oh hi, Six! You came here to have a dance battle too?" One point at the temple nearby. Though this really wasn't a temple One saw everyone. It was more like one of those shelters in recreation. 

"Yes, One, we came here too. Also where is your friend Two?" Six took off her 'game on' face she had her whole time and gave One a little pat. 

"Oh, 'bout Two.." One's voice trails off, grieving for Two. She went to the dance ghost area to dance for Two, not knowing what happened after his time ran out. 

"Oh, sorry One, I didn't know! But now, come on, we got a game to throw!" 


"Ehem.. seems like the dancing ghost is gone for a long time.." Ten sighs. "I really wanted to see if I improved my dance." Ten stretched the word 'dance', as if that word was a password to something, 

"Did somebody say-" The voice paused and gave some room for the tapping noise. "-dance?"

"Wait!" One and Six both looked at each other then at Ten. "Is that-"

Somebody poked their heads behind one of the many trees. It looked quite trippy enough to look like their head was floating. The stranger finally slid their body out of the tree, having this random smug look on their face. This one right here did not look like any other ghosts. Though their face was painted white and very pale. Unlike the other ghosts wearing really long dresses, this ghost right here wore one of those collar clothes but was really bloody, sorta ripped up, and loose and baggy. 

"I've got the shoes, tap! I've got the cane, tap! I've got the tip! top! top hat! Tap, tap, tap!"

"It's Twenty!" One cries out, both in happiness and sadness. She was quite glad to see Twenty was alive, but then didn't know how to tell him the news about Two.

"Twenty? Oh yeah, I remember the days being alive. But sadly I'm no longer Twenty." The stranger sighs and gives their glasses a little poke. "I am!" -one more little tap dance- "The Phantom of Dancingness!" 

"Phantom of Dancingness?" Ten giggles at the name. Sounded more like a forced laugh.

"Yeah, sorry. I just made it up. I tried to give my ghost name a little sparkle on it." The 'Phantom of Dancingness' shrugged. "You guys wanna help me name myself?" 

"Seems like the game really didn't turn out like expected but sure, why not!" Ten shrugs and turns around to Six and One. "You guys don't mind, do you?"

One and Six shook their heads. 

"Nope, not at all! Plus, that name gives bad vibes at fall."

"Well, we don't have time to argue about names. What about we just stick with 'The Dancing Ghost'?" Ten suggests.

"Sure, that would work." The ghost smiles. "So is anyone coming or going?" Everyone shook their heads. "Well guess I'll have to do it this way.."

One gulped in horror.

With Eight and Nine

"Where do you think they're going?" Nine asks Eight, trying to keep track of which tree Eight was trying to go next. They were still stalking the Terrible Two's to see who their 'next victims' were. Eight ignored Nine's question and tried to keep up with the Terrible Two's.

"Gagh! Aren't big things supposed to be easier to find?" The Terrible Two on the left threw their arms in the air in surrender. "How can that really thick thing be really hard to find?!"

"Who are they talkin-"

"Shut!" Eight immediately pointed his pointer finger in front of Nine's mouth. And then after the 'foof' from his cape, Eight has run up to the Terrible Twos.

"Gee, there's this bad tingly feeling in my nose that's telling me something's not right..." Nine covered his nose with his hankie hoping it was just a sneeze.

Back to One, Six and Ten

"-One! This is fun! One! One! One! One!"

"Six! Is in the mix!" And they both finished off with a bow.

The Dancing Ghost claps impressed. "I gotta be honest with you guys. If there were only one of you guys, I would have taken your time away. But I have to choose one of you guys..." The ghost scanned the girls, resting his eyes on Ten. "You, I choose you as the winner." He smirks. 

"Oh! Um.." Ten looked at Six and One, who gave Ten thumbs up. "Aren't their times gonna be taken away?"

"Yeah, they are gonna lose some time, but not much, right? One minute and six minutes!" 

"Hey.. can I change the time I get earned?" Ten puts on a sheepish look on her face, knowing that the ghost will not accept. 

"Well, sure... anytime under 10 minutes." 

"Oh! Thanks! Can I do six minutes?"

"Er- yeah, sure." The ghost shrugs, but then finishes off with another smirk. 

"Gee, you really smirk a lot. Do you really think you're hot?" Six rolls her eyes. 

"Well.. what about we go now?" One suggests by tugging Ten's sleeves. 

"Sure, let's go then. Do you wanna join us, One?" Ten asks.

"Well.." One thought for a second. She'd love to have someone stay with her. But then Two.. she can't forget about Two! "W-well, thanks for the offer, Ten! But I really want to find a way to end this game!"

"Well you do you, One. But call for help if you need one!" Ten gives One one more pat then turns to Six. "C'mon Six! Let's go!" Ten waved at One. But while walking somewhere random, Ten seemed to mutter something.

"Huh? Ten? Can you say it again? That seemed to feel out of context-."

"Hmm? Oh, Six! Don't worry, it's nothing! Just got a li-" Ten paused and stared into the forest. "li-li-li-"

"Come on Ten, come tell me! 'Li' what? Hurry up, hurry up, move your butt!" 

"SIX WATCH OUT!!" Six immediately turned around to see what Ten was staring at, but-


(A/N: I think that's enough hints for you guys ;-; Also does anyone realize someone's missing?)

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