Game On

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"We repeat again, is anyone named Seven here?" The two strangers just stood there but looked around the hut.

"Hey, wait a minute-" Eight stood up and brushed off whatever was on his pants. "Your voice sounds familiar." One of the hooded strangers muttered the other hooded stranger. "Don't mind if I do." Eight yanks of the hood off the strangers. "I knew it! The Terrible Two's! What kind of trouble are you up to now?"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Three interrupts before the Twos could explain. "How can we tell the difference between you and you?"

"Well how can you not tell?!" The Terrible Two on the left shrieked. "I'm Purple Two! I always stand on the left!"

"And I always stand on the right!" Says Blue Two.

"Well didn't the Blue Two stand on the left when we sang Peek-A-Boo?" Three scoffs.

"Well, we went to our original position when we had to hide behind Four."

"So are you talking about Purple Two standing on my left or your left-"

"Your left. Blue Two is standing on our left."


"Well enough of fighting about our lefts and rights." Three rolls her head with her eyes. "Why did you need Seven?"

"Oh, Three, you had to mention that." Seven whisper yelled from behind Five.

"Yeah- about that-" Blue Two peeked through the rip. "Nope, I don't see him coming yet."


"Wait, never mind, I see them."

Someone else also came into the hut through the rip.

"The door is never the option." Nine sniffs then chuckles.

"Am I late?" the third stranger huffs. They also wore the same cloak as the Terrible Twos and also had branches stuck on the hood, but a little bit bigger. 

"Yes, you're very late. In fact, they know our identities now so it's your turn." Purple Two yanks the third stranger's hood off.


"Yeah, that's me." Rao adjusts his hood.

"B-but- why?" Two stutters and hides behind One.

"Welp, it's time for me to explain I guess." He deeply inhales. "Since it's spooky season, I wanted to play a halloween game with you."

"Ooo, I'm really good at games! And I'm sure this won't be lame!"

"So tell us, what's this game about?" Four picks up Squarey, who was shivering in fear.

"Okay, I hope you won't mind ghosts-" 

"G-ghosts?!" Then Two passed out- (sorta).

"Come on, Two! Zero is a ghost!" One shakes Two to wake up. "Sorry, go ahead!"

"Yeah, it's okay. So how do I explain this-. Oh yeah! So the point of the game here is to be the last one to survive. You guys are all assigned a random amount of time to survive and if your time runs out- something happens to you that I'm not gonna tell. If you do want to know how much time you have left, you gotta go enter the ghost house."

"So this game is pretty much filled with ghosts?" Five raised her hand up.

"Yeah, pretty much. Anyways-" Rao deeply inhales. "You can always add more minutes. For example you meet a dancing ghost and you bet like 10 minutes of your life and you win the dance battle, you get 10 more extra minutes. But if you lose, you lose 10 minutes of your life."

"So we're just walking around, getting scared by ghosts?" Nine takes off his hankie and starts tying it around his head, covering his eyes. 

"Don't worry, there is also a way to end this whole game, but that's also something you guys gotta figure out."

"Bad explanation, but sounds fun. Everyone, come on, let's say 'game on!'"


"No one wanna run?"

"Game on!" One joins Six.

 "Come on guys, nobody's gonna get hurt, right?"

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