A Game of Rock, Paper, Square

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Nine's POV:

I'm just walking around in this random temple that me and Ten ended up in. It's quite dusty and hollow here. I think I still hear my sneeze echoing. Then I just stopped in front of his random room. My senses are telling me that my book will be in there. I sorta hesitate at first but then just force myself to get in the room.

"Hello?" I call as I step into the room. There's nothing much in here other than this random barrier. "Well there should be something behind that barrier." I shrug. So I took a step. Creak. Another step. Creak. I pretty much creaked my way to the barrier. Once I was quite near the barrier, I slowly slid it, making sure I don't disturb a sleeping ghost if there is one.


Seems like there was someone.

No one's POV:

Nine stared at the ghost/zombie looking being. He did flinch a little but really didn't get that scared. And of course, he didn't run away, screaming his head off like Three did. The ghost behind the barrier and Nine just stood there, just staring at each other.

"Er-" The ghost hesitated. Nine stared above the ghost's head to see if there were numberlings floating above their head.

"Is that you Ten and Thre-"

"GET OUT OF HERE, RAHH!" The person who Nine guessed as Thirteen started shoving him out of the room and closed the room door.

"Well the make-up looked scary on him." Nine chuckles. "Well, I still wanna see if my book is still there." So he enters the room again. 

"Get out! Rahh!" Thirteen tried very hard to scare Nine out of the room, but Nine just stood there just laughing at him.

"Heheh, nice try, Ten and Three! I only came here to get my book! Is it in here or.."

"Gagh! I give up!" Thirteen throws his arms in the air.

"Wait, what?" Nine stops laughing.

"I just give up! My job was supposed to guard the book in the closet- AGH! Me and my big mouth! I never agreed to do this." 

"Well, you know what?" Nine finally speaks after he does his after-laugh-sighs.


"What about a game of 'Rock-Paper-Squares'? I'll play rock and you play square."

"B-but, doesn't that mean I'll win? Don't think you would go that easily on me."

"I dunno either, but let's give it a try!" Nine slaps his right fist onto his left palm. "Rock, Paper, Square, Shoot!" Nine's fist turned into a regular hand and Thirteen tried very hard to turn his fist into a square. 

"Wait, you actually did choose a rock! I won! I actually won for the first time!" Thirteen stared at his own fist very shocked. "You know what? In return, you can have your book. You know where it is."

"Thanks, Ten and Three!"

"No problem, Nine! But you really have to get out of here."

Back with Three and Four

"I THINK I'M STUCK!" Four cries.

"What?! You're stuck?!" Three was already crying. 

"Oh wait-! Nevermind-, I- er- let's continue our way out of here-" 

"Stoooop! You're scaring me!"

Three and Four were pretty much 'stuck' in a random hall. Gladly it wasn't a maze, just one long hall going in zigzags. They've been going straight for a while but then they finally found a turn. 

"I f-feel like there's something i-in that way." Three hiccups then continue to cry while dangling onto Four's arm.

"Three, stop crying, 'cause you're gonna make me cry!" Four's voice also starts to crack in fear. "C-come on, Three. Do you have any four step plans?"

"Ten has four steps! I have two! And my plan right now is just to take two steps." Three was now squeezing Four's arm harder than ever.

"W-well- *hic* h-here go nothing!" One step, nothing. Two steps-.

"AAAAAAAAAAAWAAACHAAWAA IS THAT ABOMINATION!" Three finally let go of Four's arm and were now sobbing on the floor. A random head just busted out of a random wall and just started staring very intensely at the poor little kiddos.

"I-I don't wanna do this anymore! I never agreed to go to the blue area!"

"My idea?! It was your idea!"

"No yours!

"No you!"

The head in the wall didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. They definitely couldn't let them just fight forever so the head just laughed. 

"What the heck! It's alive! It's alive! We'll go! We'll go. I'm sorry, we'll go!" Four was officially crying too and picked Three up and continued the journey. The head in the wall must've thought that it was funny and stuck their hand out in front of Four's face. "We'll go-o-o-!"

"Fooouuurrr, can we just take a break for now?"

"Nooo, you won't know what's gonna traumatize you after you stopped."

"At least give me a piggyback ride."


"Hey, also what do you think Ten and Nine is doing right now?"

With Ten

"I'm pretty sure I've been through all the rooms, maybe except this one. Well, here goes nothing." The moment Ten entered the room, she suddenly was pinned down by a ghost.

With Nine

"Wait, Nine, you made it?!" One hops off Two's back to greet Nine.

"Yeah, it was quite scary but not that scary. Whaddya say, Eight?"

"Uh- yeah, 'bout that-"

"Come on Eight, don't be that lame! I'm gonna play too, so join the game!"

"If Eight is not gonna come, then maybe I will join, Six?" Five rests her handless arm on Six's shoulder.

"Oh yes! Thanks Five! You're the best!" Six winks at Five.

Back to Three and Four

"We found another turn! Hooray!" Three was still on Four's back, smacked her face on Four's shoulder.

"Three, I don't think it's the time to celebrate."

"Huh, how come?"

"Th-there's a mirror."

"Oh.." Three got off Four. Suddenly there was a high echoey voice. But it sounded more like an irritating noise. 

"Come here.. come here.. come over here..!"

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