Sorry, Not Sorry: Part 10

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Morning. I woke with sweet kisses on the back of my neck and a hand on my left tit. I felt his huge cock poking at my backside. It wasn't long before he lifted my left ass cheek and slipped inside my moist center making me coo and later moan.

"Good morning," he whispered as he stroked me nice and slowly. It was a truly great morning. His fullness inside of me massaging my walls was an excellent start to the day. I also had the awesome feeling of knowing I was going to find a new place to stay away from drama and bull shit.

I turned to see his beautiful eyes. I loved how the natural light made them shine. His lips touched mine and we kissed for a moment. He rolled until I was on top, my back to his chest. His fingers toyed with my pearl as he thrust underneath.

Lucas was a skilled lovemaker. He had taught me so many positions in the time I had known him, It was making me better and better for the twins each time I'd see them for our sex-capades.

"Oh my God, Lucas, fuck," I moaned in delight. My center showered his hand. He rolled me back to my side, lifted my left leg, and thrust faster. He felt so good inside. He rolled me again until I was on my belly. He pressed so deep I moaned, "Damn, Lucas, fuuuuck."

"I know you belong to the twins, but you also belong to me," he stated firmly. He continued to drill my sweet spot. Then I heard taps on my door. I was like, seriously, right now? He paused to see if the knocks would go away. It was quiet. He worked his hips to perfection, then the knocks started again followed by Trina's concerned voice, "Zora, are you busy?" she asked.

I was like, I know you heard me singing in falsetto a few minutes ago. I replied, "yes."

"I need your help with Carissa."

I looked back at Lucas who was not done getting his nut and it didn't appear he'd get to finish. He shook his head and pulled out of me. I got dressed quickly and went out into the hall where Trina stood, "What's wrong with her?"

"She's in her bathroom with a bottle of pills."

I hurried with Trina hot on my heels. We entered her room and found her on the floor in her bathroom with an empty bottle of pills. "Oh my God," I said as I grabbed her off the floor, "What did you do?"

Her body was limp, "If we can't be friends, I don't want to live. I hate it here. You know I love you, Zora. I didn't mean any of that stuff I said last night."

I looked at Trina, "Go get Lucas. We have to take her to the hospital."

She hurried and left. I was there holding her in my arms faced with a difficult decision. Her soft hand touched my face, "Please don't leave Zora. I promise never to interfere with your business again. I swear. Te lo juro, amiga mia."

"Okay. Okay. Let's just get you to the hospital," I replied.

Lucas shook his head as he picked her up and carried her out. He placed her inside his car, and we all got inside and headed to the hospital.


Carissa had her stomach pumped. She begged me not to tell her parents. She would stay the night in the hospital for observation. Lucas and I had dropped Trina off at the condo and he took me to a property. A townhouse that had three bedrooms and three bathrooms. We were on the screened patio right outside of the kitchen, "Please don't let Carissa's little incident deter you from moving out. This place is ready to move in. It's furnished. It's a property that I typically list on vacation websites. You can stay here."

I sighed, "But what if she was serious? I can't have that on my conscience."

He touched my shoulders, "It's a form of manipulation. And I highly doubt she took the pills. The doctor never told us anything. She was the one that said her stomach got pumped."

He wrapped his arms around me, "I'm going to go get your stuff out of that condo. By tomorrow when she gets home, you'll be gone, and don't give her your address."

I nodded, "Okay."

"Now, young lady, we have some unfinished business from this morning to take care of."

"We do."

We went inside to the living room. He undid his pants and sat on the sofa. I saw his erection waiting for me to mount. I removed my bottoms and took a seat. He had this beautiful smile in his eyes as I rode his cock. The way he held me, kissed me, and later suckled my nipples.

He stood and held me in his strong arms. I held on for dear life as he bounced me rapidly on his shaft. My little hole was stretched and dripping. He laid me down on the sofa and pressed his chest to mine, I felt his driving force with each powerful stroke, "I get to enjoy you every day this week until the Twins return Thursday."

I smiled. He continued to stroke my pussy well until he climaxed, panting in my arms.


By Sunday night, all of my clothes and belongings were with me at the new location. I hated to leave Trina there with Carissa but for some reason, Carissa didn't test Trina as she had often done with me. As I looked back on the many instances of our friendship, she always saw me as some charity case and not as an actual person. She pitied me until she thought I had a status better than hers.

I honestly never thought of myself as being better than her. She was the prettiest. I just happened to get the chance that she wanted desperately. I didn't know why they had chosen me but they did. I had been poor and overlooked most of my life. I wasn't about to throw away the opportunity presented to me.

Late that night, as I lay in bed with Lucas asleep by my side, my cell phone sounded. I had several text messages from Carissa. They were very nasty. She called me so many hateful names. Then left a message on my phone crying calling me ungrateful saying that I used her to get to Lucas.

I was annoyed. I made a mental note to have my number changed in the morning.

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