The Answer Is No...: Part 7

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A week on hard labor. Or maybe I'm exaggerating. I was outside pulling weeds sweating like a bull's balls in Texas during June when I looked up and saw a familiar car pulling up on the side of the road. I had never been a fighter but I wanted to rock her jaw when I saw her sashaying her ass toward me dressed to the nines smiling.

"Hey Zora," she said cheerfully looking at me like she was innocent., "we haven't seen you at the mansion."

I scoffed, "Seriously? And why would I be there when someone told my foster mom that I was out fucking men?"

She took off her huge-rimmed sunglasses, "I did that for your good. Lucas is no good for you."

My eyes squinted.

"Trust me, babe, you're wasting your time with him. You could get way more than some rooms to go bedroom set and a few decorations from someone with real money."

I shook my head as I listened to her. Finally, I cut her off, "If I'm wasting my time with him, then why are you sending him naked pictures?"

She sucked her teeth, "That was an old picture and he asked for it. Listen chica, your birthday is right around the corner. Don't worry about anything. I'll pay your tuition for this semester. You can pay me back later."

"That won't be necessary."

"Oh, why?"

"It's already been paid."

"That's awesome." It was silent for a moment, "Trina and I are planning your 18th birthday celebration at the condo. It's going to be great."

I simply eyed her.

"Geesh, Zora, could you stop being angry? All is well. No pasa nada mal."

"My face got slapped in this very spot we're standing and I've been doing shitty chores all week. So, I wouldn't call that nothing."

"Do you want me to apologize? Fine. Sorry about trying to keep you away from a guy that's not good for you. Now can we go back to being friends?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. I just need a few more days to get un-mad."

She hugged me, "I'm really sorry Zora." I felt her working up the tears, "Gosh Zora, come on. We've been friends since the ninth grade. Please. I promise to make it up to you."

I huffed. At that moment, I had two choices, one to forgive and see if her actions matched her words or to tell her to "fuck off" for messing over me. I chose to give her a chance because that's what friends do, right? They allow you to make corrective action.

As she stood back wiping her eyes and sniffling, "It's fine. I look forward to what you and Trina have planned."

She smiled, "It's going to be great."

"Please let's just keep it simple. I don't want to have a whole lot of people there."



It was two days before my big eighteenth birthday. My foster mom had allowed me to move the rest of my stuff into the condo I shared with Carissa and Trina. I had to promise not to go anywhere else but to the condo and be back at her house before 9:00 pm. That was plenty of time for me to get into something.

Carissa helped me get my stuff to the condo in her car. I didn't have much. Just a few boxes and some bags of clothes. I was in my room at the condo putting my stuff away in the closet and the drawers when it hit me, I'd be free to do what I wanted in two days.

I devilish grin appeared on my face. I had already received a message from Rogelio that our cruise was planned for the weekend after my birthday. A four-day cruise with the Mendoza twins. I got excited thinking about it.

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