Chapter 30: Favian

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"Quick. We don't have much time!" Percy said while clapping his hand.

The moon goddesses looked at each other and nodded as they stepped into the two circles at the center. Both summon their hunting knives and cut their palm. They put their hands at the top of the necklace and let a drop of their ichor fall down onto it.

"What's next?" Diana asked while healing the cut on her palm, and so was Artemis.

"Put your palms together and closed your eyes," the two goddesses do what the god said, "Let your essence flow into the necklace, and seek the essence of the guardian spirit. Once you find it, connect with it. Then you will enter its own dimension..."

"Own dimension?" Artemis asked confusedly.

"You will see," Percy simply said. The two goddesses were confused but nonetheless still nodded. They were about to close their eyes when the god of time once again spoke, "I almost forgot! You need to succeed in the challenge that the guardian spirit will throw to you, first, before you get them as your Guardian."

"What challenges?" Artemis asked.

"Not challenges, just challenge. It's only one,' Percy shrugged, "And it depends on the Guardian what will it be. Sometimes they challenge you by your wit or strength. They challenge you by your will and heart."

"Why there's a challenge?" Diana asked.

Percy smirked, "To see if you're really worthy to serve and become their master," then he waved his hand. "Now go." then he sat down.

The moon goddesses closed their eyes and let their essence flow through the amulet. They search for any essence coming from within it. Then they feel it.


Then they feel like their soul (Does gods and goddesses have souls?) being sucked up in the amulet. Then there's bright light until it gradually fades into black.


Artemis and Diana gasped as their eyes opened. But it immediately closed as the sun glared directly at them.

Wait. Sun?

The moon goddesses opened their eyes and it took a while before they adjust to the bright light coming from the sun. They both looked up.

"I thought it was already evening?" Diana voiced out. Their eyes went down and looked around.

"It appears we're already inside the Guardian's dimension," Artemis said as she looked around, seeing nothing but trees and plants.

Diana nodded, "And it looks like we're just the only one here."

Artemis nodded, "Now where it is?"

"The two moon goddesses," a feminine voice spoke.

The said goddesses turned around to find where the voice coming from.

"Looking for me?" the unknown voice asked then chuckled.

"Where are you?!" Artemis shouted.

"Show yourself!" Diana demanded.

The Guardian chuckled. "A bit impatient, are we? And why will I show myself to the both of you? Aren't you two the goddess of the hunt?"

"What are you implying?" Diana asked with a stoic face. Trying to locate the voice but for some unknown reason, she can't.

"If you two are the goddesses of the hunt, then prove it," the unknown voice said. And you can hear in her voice that she is smirking.

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