Chapter 29: Two Persona

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Diana can't believe what she's seeing right now. In front of her, is Artemis, the moon goddess, and apparently, her greek persona.

"What the fuck's going on?!!" Diana said in disbelief. She's gaping while staring at the greek goddess who's also looking at her with the same expression.

The greek goddess open her mouth and tried to speak, but can't form a word as she is still in shock.

"I-imposssible... H-how did t-this... How did this happen?" the greek moon goddess asked.  She turned her head at the god of time who was now walking back to where he was standing earlier. "Perseus explained this!"

Percy stopped at the spot where he stood minutes ago and turned around, facing the two moon goddesses. He looked at the two before he sighed. "Fine... As you know..."

Meanwhile from the mountain where the god of time was imprisoned, there's a cabin in the middle of the forest. Inside there's a library that has no limits income of how wide it is and countless books. Here, you will find a certain goddess with gray eyes, which holds knowledge and intelligence. This goddess is no other than, Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

Percy's library, which the goddess of wisdom named, Apeiron, (Yeah, she named the library herself even though it's not hers) is now one of the goddess's favorite places in the entire universe. It feels like she's in paradise just the smell and the view of the books aligned on the shelves.

While she's so delighted at the infinity of books, there are still questions lingering in her mind, such as where did Percy find all of these books, how did this library seem no boundary? The goddess found books she already knew, but then there were also books that she never heard of, which means the book is original and was written by the owner of the library.

At first, before she even read the original ones, she thought it just contained a bunch of nonsense words as the god of time is a son of Poseidon, which is an idiot (From the goddess's point of view), but then when she read the books, she was so stunned and speechless, as the books containing information she didn't know before, until now. And some of the information from the books is very alarming and dangerous if the knowledge will be leaked and falls into the wrong hands.

She was so tempted to burn the books that contains such information. But then Percy's words always echo in her mind.

"There were books that contains information that a person must not know. Normally, you will see a blank paper if you ever open it and I'm the only one who can able to see the contents, as well as Chaos, but now I'm giving you permission to see the information written on it. I've just got two conditions for you. First, don't burn or destroy any books you'll find dangerous, and second, don't reveal or tell someone else what you'll learn while reading at my library... If you do... There will be a consequence..."

That's where one of the questions in her head came. Where did the god of the time know all of these things?

Athena shook her head as she realized, she was spacing again which rarely happens to the goddess. She sighed and took one of the books from her table and open it. The goddess of wisdom's eyes was going from left to right as she read. Taking in every information in her mind. After she finished the pages, she flipped the pages to go to the next one. She continue reading until one page got her attention.

She frowned then sat straight and pay attention to each word written on it.

"Two Personas," Athena read the title of the chapter.

"As everyone knows, a god has two personas, the greek and the roman. Though there are two inside of one's body, there's only one persona that's dominant and awake all the time, this is the greek persona while its counterpart, roman, continues slumbering inside them until it's time for them to show up."

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