Chapter 15

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A little spice for the chapter...


It was late at night when I called mom. Bella had spoken to her earlier today when she was out with Zeke. I laid on my bed wearing some short comfortable shorts, and a long shirt that fit me like a dress.

"How's all the baseball stuff going?" I asked mom over the phone.

"Oh, Phil is working hard. Spring training and all. We're looking for a house to rent in case things become more permanent. You'd like Jacksonville, Baby."

I doubt it

"That sounds nice. I'm really liking Forks, though."

"What? Could it be a guy that has anything to do with that?"

"Mom, I have never liked Phoenix, but to be honest, yeah." I laughed throwing my head back against my growing pile of pillows.

"I knew it. Tell me everything. What is he? Jock? Indie? I bet he's smart. Is he smart?"

Suddenly, my bed moved, and I jumped pulling my legs closer to me. I turned and saw Edward sitting at the edge of my comfy bed. I decided to play with him and laid on back on my cushions. "Yeah, mom. He's one of the top students, but he can be a jerk sometimes."

"It's not that guy from your first day, is it? I know how much he ticked you off." I almost laughed at the face Edward made when mom mentioned him.

"Actually, it is him. He kind of peaked my interest after a while. I really like him." I sent him a wink, "I'm just testing the waters for now, though. See if he's worth a heartbreak."

"Ooh. You know what they say about guys like that. They know what they want and aren't afraid to take it or show it. If you catch my drift." I smiled to myself laying a hand on my stomach to rub circles on top of the material. "I gotta ask though. Are you being safe? Does he do aftercare?"

Edward shifted uncomfortably, causing the springs in the mattress to clink. "We'll se when we get there, mom. At the moment we haven't even gotten to first base." She whined over the line, and I smirked at Edward, he was avoiding my gaze with all he could. For a second we made contact, and I bit my lip. "I'll call you later, mom." She said goodnight and I hung up quickly.

"Your window was open." Edward gulped turning his head to me just an inch.

Quirking a brow at him I sat up straightening my legs, so they were behind him. "I didn't know that was an invitation. I'm surprised you haven't done it before then." When he didn't say anything covered my mouth to stop me from laughing loudly, "Have you been in here? Edward, what if there was underwear laying around, or I was getting dressed!?" I screeched jumping to stand on my knees, I struggled to stay up because of the bed sinking under my weight. The mattress was unbalanced, just like me.

He shook his head with a smile. "No, I only come at night for the last couple of months. I like watching you sleep."

I sink back to the comfiness and sigh crossing my arms. "I know I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again. You're creepy." Edward shakes his head, his whole body quaked with laughter I couldn't help but join.

"It's kind of fascinating to me." He settles, I scoot closer to him, still on my knees. Edward drops the playfulness and his brows dip at the center. "I always wanted to try on thing." His voice was just above a whisper, I could barely hear him. Leaning forward our foreheads touched, "Stay still."

My heart was beating out of my chest, I could feel the beat in my ears. I wanted to very badly close the distance right away. As obvious as it was, his tongue darted out and ran over his bottom lip. I parted my lips about to tell him to hurry when he covered my mouth.

It was cold, but soft. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was better than whatever I could have ever imagined. I closed my eyes and rose up a bit when Edwards hands cupped my waist and his fingers dug into my overflowing belly through the material of my long shirt, buried in my warmth. Almost like chocolate melting, he hummed against my lips and molded his body to mine. Rough hands lifted me, and I landed on his lap, straddling him.

We pulled away and my eyes snapped open. I stood little to press my forehead against his. "Edward, is this okay?" I asked nervously. I know it's difficult for him because of my blood, so I didn't want to pressure him. "This is enough, we don't have to rush things." I wanted to say more and reassure him that I was fine with just this one kiss, but he quickly shut me up.

I gasped surprised feeling once again his cold against my hot. I couldn't help but moan at his harsh kiss. I liked it. So much. My fingers went up to his collar and curled at the fabric. He oved back towards the middle of my bed and I fell forward. My breast pressed tightly to his chest; my lungs were on fire from not receiving any air. One of his hands shot to my head and clung to my hair turning my head to the side so he can have better access. The other hand, still at my stomach sneaked under my shirt. Feeling again the cold of his soft fingertips on my sensitive skin I pulled away from him, my head fell back, and I let out a long sigh.

Edward rolled us over, so he caged me under him. The mattress sunk underneath my weight. I stared up at him, he was breathing the same as me. Heavily, with tousled hair and red, bruised lips. His lashes fluttered open, and he looked ashamed. I didn't like the look on his face, like he made a mistake. So, I reached up and pulled his head down, he tried to fight me, but I send him a glare which made him quickly comply. Edward gave in and let me hug him, his body fell and let his entire body engulf me completely. His head nuzzled at the nook of my neck, and I wrapped my arms around him. The hand that was inside my shirt remained in the same place, and I was content. I don't know what time it was, but by the time I went to sleep, the sun had begun to peak over the tree filled mountains.

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