Chapter 5

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The next day, before going to school, I explained to Bella what happened at the hospital and what Edward told me. She surprised me by saying she also thought it was weird. Now, it was both of whom knew that Edward saved me in a superhuman way. My sister knows and that's all I needed; I knew I wasn't crazy. Bella went to hang with Jessica, and Angela while we waited the buses to be ready for us to board. For those who have Mr. Molina's class we'll be heading to a greenhouse, as a field trip. I had my earphones in listening to whatever I left off listening yesterday. I watched Edward and his siblings walk around the big yellow bus and stand by it. Holding my gaze, Edward made his way with Alice, the pixie and Jasper, the one in pain. They all looked so good; I didn't know if I wanted to be them of be with them. I almost laughed at my own stupid thoughts when Mike walked over with a big dumb smile on his face. Just to be straight, I would have won the staring contest with Edward if Mike hadn't gotten in my way.

"Look at you. You're alive!" I let out a small laugh when he mimicked Dr. Frankenstein.

"Yeah. False alarm, I guess." I bit my lip, and glanced behind him, seeing still looking my way.

Stuttering, Mike wiped his hands on his khaki pants, "Now, I wanted to ask yo, if, you know it's like a month away, but.." Mike's voice faded away, my focus now on the Cullen boy that pissed me off not to long ago. There was a taunting smile on his face. My eyes crossed as he blended with the background. I looked down and rubbed my eyes. "What do you think?" I looked back at him once my head didn't hurt. I gave him a look that meant I had no idea what he was talking about. "Do want to go? To prom? With me?" He stuttered nervously. I felt bad, but let's be real, what does he know about me?

'Seriously? I thought he would ask Jessica, too bad.' I dropped my eyes to my feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the world, "I hadn't thought about Prom at all. It isn't really my thing, the dancing, and the crowded place. I have something to that weekend; I'll be in Jacksonville."

"You can't go another weekend." He sounded hurt but there are other girls he could ask.

Shaking my head, my brows dipped, "non-refundable ticket. Bella bought one too since it was her idea. You know, maybe you should ask Jessica; I think she'd want you to ask her." We both looked toward where the girls were and saw Angels speaking with Bella as she stared at Zeke who now stood by his siblings. Jessica was listening, or trying to, but her eyes kept darting over here, when we caught her looking, she waved plastering on a smile. Mike backed off, giving me a tight smile then walking towards the bus, everyone has now started going in.

"Yo, yo, yo. Hey, guys, come on." Mr. Molina hurried the students inside, I pouted not wanting to go, especially because I would be sitting by Jessica. She is too chatty. "Come on, green is what? Good!" He laughed and pushed Mike into the bus. I keep walking ignoring the urge to lock eyes one more time with Edward Cullen, but despite the need to do so, I continue walking keeping my head forward and eyes to the ground. The burn of his gaze fixated on me, warms my back in a hateful sensation. One that I welcomed with open arms, unconsciously.

We arrived at the green house alive, at least I think I'm still alive. I had started feeling dizzy, maybe the car accident had done something to me. Bella and Angela walked ahead, I walked alone with my arms crossed over my chest. My eyes wandered around the plants, some flowers catching my interest, I mentally take note of the names and the color, hopefully I remember them by the time I get back to the bus to write them down. Eric helped our teacher fill a cup of compost tea, he claims it's for the plants, but I'm sure he takes a taste too. Tyler takes the cup from Mr. Molina and tries to drink it, but thankfully he is stopped.

I took in a deep breath when I saw Edward stop in the middle of the way, I rolled my eyes and place my hands to my side to walk past him quickly. 'This jerk think he can just stay in the middle. I should trip him or something.' I scowled walking around him.

Cold, so cold I'm shocked there's blood circulating. His hand wrapped around my wrist and pulls me back and I stumble. "Sorry." It was small, and perhaps meaningless, but I cared, whether it was because he caught me or apologized. I mumbled under my breath pulling out of his hold and tried to walk away. "What's in Jacksonville?" He asked, I glanced over my shoulder annoyed, like he has the right to-How did he know about Jacksonville?

"Oh. So, he's super-fast, has super strength and can hear me from a long distance...What else can you do?" I spoke sarcastically. The look on his face made me laugh, I snorted as he turned away in disgust, like he regrets asking. "How did you know about that?"

"You didn't answer my question," He replied quickly. I scoffed and crossed my arms again, I wanted to roll my eyes again but I'm afraid that if I do it any more than my eyes will get stuck.

Seeing the path ahead has cleared, I walk forward to leave him behind and away from me. I might go to jail if I stay near him for too long. His hand shoots out grabbing me by the waist when a girl ran past me and bumped me, "Watch where you're going!" I snapped at the girl, she looked at me with a shocked face and said sorry quickly fleeting and going to her friends. I thanked Edward then fixed my short that had raised showing my belly button. "How come you expect me to answer whatever you ask me, but get defensive when I bring up something? You don't answer any of my questions." I lifted my wrist and pulled my hair tie off and placed it on my mouth biting it, so I don't lose it, I made my hair into a ponytail and took my tie then passed my hair through and twisting. I repeated the motion until it was tight. Edward watched me until I was done. "You don't even say hi to me. What happened to 'hello' and 'how are you?', huh?"

Quietly he clears his throat, "Hi"

My eyes widened, he did that too easily. Narrowing my eyes I hum, "Are you gonna tell me how you stopped the van?"

A grin spread on his face, "Yeah. I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can google it."

"Seriously? That's the bullshit answer you are giving me?" I stopped walking turned to him. I placed my hands on my hips and leaned forward, with a glare. "You want to know what's in Jacksonville?" He nodded, angling his torso back away from me, I had invaded his personal space. "Google it, then." I pivoted and left him. My feet hurried on exiting the green house. Eric picked up a worm with a stick and stuck it in front of people's faces to scare them. More like gross them out. I gave him a forced smile that caused him to cackle.

Steps coming up behind me, fast paced, I turned and saw Edward following me. As I made it to the bus, he stopped me from knocking on the door for the driver to open. "We shouldn't be friends. You're not someone who should hang with someone like me."

"Who said I wanted to be friends with you?" I glared and gritted my teeth. "On the first day you make a scene, almost like I smell so bad you had to sit at the edge of your chair and run out of the class to get away from me! Then you act nice and talk to me first. You ask me about my life, like you want to get to know me." I pointed a finger at him angry, "You really should have thought about whether you want to be my friend or not before speaking to me. You should have let the van crushed, so you could save all this regret." Making my way around him I groaned when he pulled me back to where I had stood in front of him.

"You think I regret saving you? Really?" He stared down at me, I felt even smaller. Tiny, like I could be squashed in a matter of second.

For a second, the look on his face seemed pained. My eyes watered and I swallowed hard. "I wished the van crushed me. That way I wouldn't have to deal."

Taking a deep breath Edward lifted his hand to brush my hair back, but Alice interrupted bouncing over. "Hi. Um, are you gonna be riding with us?"

Giving her the small smile, I shook my head before her brother could respond. "No, sorry. Your brother is a douche." I nodded to Jasper which he returned. Walking away I pushed down burying the thought of turning around and running to Edward to smack him. I wanted to hurt him physically, because even if he was only saying things to hurt me, my heart couldn't handle it. The throbbing of my heart hurt so greatly I like I would soon collapse.

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