Chapter 14

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We walked up the stairs and my eyes stuck to the large display of graduation caps the Cullen's had decorating the wall right beside the stairs. "Oh, that's hilarious. And annoying, now that I think about having to go to school that many times." He nods and explains that it's a private joke.

"We matriculate a lot. The younger we start out in a new place, the longer we can stay there." I frown walking one step down so that I'm only a foot taller. "What are you thinking?"

I throw my arms around his neck and press my forehead down to his, "How lucky I am to have met you." He tensed, letting out a sigh and suddenly picking me up. Edward walked to what I assumed was his room carrying me there as if I weight nothing. Which I know is not true.

Letting me down, I turned away from him, ignoring the way my heart clenched when my chest rubbed against his own. There was a large bookshelf with a speakers and a stereo. The shelf was filled with CD's cassettes and albums. There was even a smaller shelf by a white daybed, stocked with books. Everything in his room made it seem like an office.

"No bed?" I asked walking into the middle of the room. I turned to him and saw that by the door there was a flatscreen mounted on the wall. "I'm guessing vampires don't sleep then. Since there's not one single sane, human, person that I know that doesn't like to doze off." Edward kept his eyes on me, not closing the distance between us like I hope he would have now that we're alone. "You have a wide selection of music. What were you listening to?" I turn to the player and push the 'Play' button.

His steps bring him close to me, but not as much as I need him. "It's Debussy." Nodding, I stay quiet listening to the instrumental. Finally, I feel him close, he takes me by the arm and pulls me to his chest. Edward's hands take my hips and I place my hands on his shoulders. It was awkward at first, but I soon got the hang of it. Edward moved us, swaying our bodies together to the rhythm of tune. Eyes locked on mine; I bit my lip to keep me from saying anything that would ruin the moment. I seem to be doing that a lot today. The rest of the day, I eat everything Esme and the rest of the Cullen's made, then as the sun was setting Edward played the piano. I was stunned by how effortlessly he played every note. He had every song memorized, today I fell deeper, more enamored with Edward Cullen and there was nothing anyone could do or say to change that.

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