Chapter 10

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Blue and red lights shined in my face stirring me awake. I rubbed my eyes and saw I was still in Edward's car. The heat had turned my face pink, I turned and looked out the window to see three cop cars with their lights on. "Woah, my dad is still here. Can you pull in?"

"Carlisle's car is still here too. The one at the end." His face scrunched up confused.

I didn't wait for Edward to stop the Volvo. I opened the door and rushed to the entrance. Next I knew, he was by my side. He placed a hand on my waist when I went up the stairs at the front of the station. Carlisle exited through the glass door and inhaled deeply when he saw us making our way over. "What's going on?"

"Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place." He sighed rubbing his face devastated.

I frowned my jaw dropping, "Butt crack Santa?" They both turned to stare at me with a shocked expression. "Sorry, totally not the time. It was nice to see you Dr. Cullen, but I gotta go. Waylon was a friend of my father's." He forced a smile and patted my shoulder. I turned to Edward and gave him a small wave, "Thanks for driving me. I'll see you at school, yeah?" He nods but takes a hold of my wrist and pulls me towards him. Carlisle walks around us and gets to his car. Edward waited until his dad had drove away so he could pull me to his chest. "What are you doing?"

His head dropped to the nook of my neck and inhaled. I tensed felling his lips brush against my skin. The hairs on my arms stood. He chuckled in my ear causing me to tremble, "I'll see you tomorrow." My cheeks felt hot as I nodded and walked away. I avoided eye contact when I left him.

The office was dark when I entered, Dad was in his chair staring down sadly at the desks surface. He jumped feeling my arms wrapping around his shoulders. "Honey, what are you doing here?"

I slouched over to rest on the back of his chair. "I heard what happened. I'm sorry, I might not have remembered him, but I know he meant something to you." His hand lifted my left one to kiss the back. "It gonna be okay dad, we'll find whatever I responsible for the deaths of these people."

"I've known him going on 30 years. We're gonna find this thing." He pulled me to his side and moved a stack of papers to put them to the side. "In the meantime," He took a pepper spray dispenser and handed it to me. "Please, it would keep your old man at ease."

Sighing exaggeratingly, I rolled my eyes playfully. "This would be better and more effective if Bella used it. Also, 'old man'? How old are you anyway?" I teased.

"65," He grumbled.

I stood up straighter surprised, "Damn." His head snapped to me annoyed. "sorry. I'm sorry." I covered my mouth. He shook his head and took his coat from his desk and got up. I reached over and pushed the button on the lamp to turn it off. "Let's go home." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close, leading the way out. He slid off his comfy bomber jacket and threw it over me. "Crap, I forgot my coat in.. Jessica's car." He lifted a brow at me, I almost let it slip that I was with Edward.

"You can take it to school tomorrow if you need to. I'll see if I can find another for you." Before we walked out he stopped me and placed a bottle of pepper spray on my hand. "It'll give your old man some peace of mind."

I squinted at the bottle with distaste. "Can't I have a gun, or even a knife, instead?"

"Let's go home." He ignored my question, I rolled my eyes and followed him to the car.

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