Chapter 3

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On my way to class, both Bella and I had Biology, but with different teachers. It was in the same building, just on the other side of the hall. I had class with Mike and Angela, I heard on the wat to class that Bella had class with that Ben guy and Jessica. Hopefully Jessica has a space for Bella to sit at. And I hope Angela has a spot for me.

Mike walked me to class, he was very chatty, Angela had sped walked to class saying that she had to talk to someone, Mike was kind enough to tell me it was Ben. Was I supposed to know who 'Ben' is? Because I sure don't.

"Mr. Molina is super chill; I think you'll like him." I gave Mike a smile, and headed inside the class, Mike introduced me to the teacher and walked to his seat at the third table from the second row row.

The teacher was really nice, he handed me a textbook and told me to sit at the empty chair by Mr. Cullen. I thanked him and turned to look for the seat finding it quickly. It was at the second row, by the middle of the class, and right next to Edward, the guy from the cafeteria, who thinks no one is good for him. I frowned when I saw him smack a hand to his mouth and cover it. He trembled in almost anger; his eyes stuck on me with a fierce glare. My hair flew in front of me, that's when I noticed the fan by Mr. Molina's desk was turned on and sending my scent everywhere. Or was it stench?

I tripped on my fast feet, as I hopped on to the stool and dropped my bag onto the floor, there was nowhere else to place it. Not behind my chair either. Mr. Molina walked by and placed two petri dishes, for the observation, between me and Edward. I took one before he could toss it at me.

'I'm going to take this, hopefully he doesn't feel like throwing his own at my head or something.' The rest of the class I ignored the guy and did my class work like a good little student. We had two minutes before the bell rang and I started to place my things into my backpack. When the bell finally rang, I went to sprint out of the classroom only to clash into Edward. I turned to him with a glare, and his eyes widened while continued to cover half his face with what large hands he has. "What a jerk," I mumbled and sped walked out of the class to find my sister. I told her what happened, and her jaw dropped, "I know, he pissed me off without even trying. I don't even smell bad I showered this morning and even put on perfume, which I haven't done in so long. After today I will be too self-conscious and probably never wear it again."

"Can I have it then?" I gave her a glare causing her to laugh, she wrapped an arm around me, and I sighed. "You'll be fine. I had to sit beside Jessica, and she would not stop talking. I almost bolted out of the class, but Zeke made it bearable."

My eyes widened in surprise, she's never spoken nice about guys before, or in general. Boy talk is something that mom would force us to talk about. "You mean, Zeke Hale?" She bit down on her lip and nodded. I could tell she was trying not to smile, but after a few seconds it broke free. "Wow, my sister has game." She laughed throwing her head back and smacking me on the shoulder.

Still, I liked that she was letting loose. We had dinner with dad at a diner after school. Bella had a veggie 'Garden' burger and I had some of the berry cobbler. Dad had a stake with a salad, and some of the berry cobbler as well. We spoke a bit, with dad, but it was quiet for the most part. And when we got home, we called mom. She had called us through a payphone, and when we found out she made the excuse that she repels technology, I do believe her though. She's always struggling with her laptop, or her phone. Mom had asked me if there were any cute boys, and before Bella could answer for me, I told mom about Bella and Zeke. Her experience was much nicer than what I went through. It will be memorable, that is certain, I will never forget it.

And forget I did not. For the next few days, I waited and waited till I saw Edward. Days turned into a week. I didn't seem him again after that time in Mr. Molina's class. I hated that he made me want to pull my hair out, it was frustrating. Bella and I would hang out inside of the school, but in the parking lot, she tended to stay by the group, even Tyler joined them every once in a while. I've gotten closer to Tyler, but Angela was still my number one, I think she might even be my best friend, you know, apart from Bella.

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