El Phantasmo

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You two plus arrow seat down in the living-room, you two seat down on the couch together, so I was thinking about something last night after we stop texting, I don't want you to leave the group, I know you need the surgery, go off have it then come back, we can say we broke up while you where in recovery, but we will still tag if needed, me and Pieter can work on our relationship, Jamie will not hate me for you leaving and we can work on our friendship again, what do you say to taking that to the bosses? As you look at him "mmm that's a good idea, I'll pass it along next week when I go see them about the shirt design, but I'm not in control Riley their vote is finale" as he smirks "I know but just pass it along, I will be lose without you Sage" as you smile at him "I understand completely, but no matter what Riley I'm here" as he smirks and leans over and kisses your cheek "I know and I know it's hard on you with what's going on with me and Pieter, but you must know she will never take your spot in my heart, you brought me so much happiness while we where together and no one can change that you know that right? As you smile at him "I know Riley, you where my first everything and no one can change that and truth be told I'm happy you where" as he smirks and says "I love you Sage White with all my heart, I wish we where still together, I miss you so much Sage, I don't understand why you broke up with me, I understand when we started dating in the ring, you where worry the bosses where going to separate us but they didn't you did, you separate us, I like Pieter but I love you, I don't know if I can just be your friend anymore, you need to understand my point of view, I have never been happier then I was with you, you bring the best out in me, even the fans saw it, they got behind us, as a couple then as a group, it was nice" as you look at him "Riley I know I messed up, but my insecurities got the best of me, and I pushed you away, I'm sorry I love you so much, it hurts when I see you and Pieter together, I know I can't turn back time, but I wish I could, in two weeks time when you go vs Rocky Romero I walk away from you and the club,cutting all ties, then I go off have my surgery then come back and start my single competition career, I want to stay in the group and I want to be with you in the ring and outside, but I don't see it happening because the bosses have their minds set" as he looks at you "hi Sage Darling we go to Jay and explain the situation and we all go to the bosses as a group and fix it, you keep your spot as Bullet Club's little Sissy Rae and El Phantasmo's Lady but more important you and me as Sage and Riley build our relationship back up again, but you do need the shoulder surgery, and I'll be there for you through it all darling" as you look at him completely shocked "Riley what about Pieter, you said you wanted to see where it could go between you two" as he smirks "like I said I like her but I love you, your my other half, my partner in crime, my Wifey, my everything" as you smile at him "I love you Riley, your my other half, my partner in crime, my hubby and my world" as he smiles and leans over and kisses your cheek lightly.

"So Tomorrow we go meet up with Jamie and Lily and we explain everything then Jamie will set-up a meeting up with the bosses and we will get this figured out, but right now, I'm going to spend time with you and Arrow, I know your mindset right now, arrow isn't leaving you, I'm not taking him from you, I got him for you remember, if I have to move in here with you two so you don't feel bad, because he is missing me then I will, but remember I am I love cuddling, I'm a big spooner" as you smile at him "I remember, and I miss your cuddles, I'm your little spooner Riley" as he smiles and kisses your forehead, I need to call Pieter and let her know we are going to work on our relationship, I just want to be friends with her inside and out of work, so just wait here I'll be right back, I'll take arrow outside in the backyard for his business" as you smile and he gets up and walks to the backyard, he calls Arrow to come on, as arrow runs off and follows Riley out as you text message lily and you two talk about the situation, she knew you two would work through all your problems, she hands the phone to Jamie and you let Jamie know about meeting up tomorrow morning, him, Lily then you and Riley, he agrees with it then you stop and Riley comes back in he smirks at you "you texting Jamie or Lily I'm guessing" as you look up at him "Lily but Jamie is next to her, so he said we four can meet up for lunch tomorrow, in town at the first Chinese restaurant around noon" as Riley smiles and comes over and seat down next to you on the couch wrapping his arm around you pulling you against his side, he grabs the remote and turns the TV on and finds something to watch, arrow lays on the floor in front of the couch.

Your Nicknames For Him: ELP, Riley and Hubby.
His Nicknames For You: BC's Little Sissy Rae, Sage and Wifey

To be continued!!!!

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